I recently found a webinar on Hybrid developement where I found out that you can have two options when you go Hybrid. Hybrid-local, where you install your html and js files locally or Hybrid-remote, where you put everything in the cloud as visual force pages and static resources. The webinar explained that if you wanted offline smartstore you need to use the hybrid-local approach and that it is difficult to use offline in the hybrid-remote approach.
But then we found an example app on Josh Birk's GitHub account called WarehousePhoneOffline which is Hybrid-remote with SmartStore.
We tried to implement the WarehousePhoneOffline example, we installed it on our developer org and it runs but we don't get any results or errors back.
So, the question is simple. Can anyone confirm you can use SmartStore in an Hybrid-remote approach? Maybe also give some direction to examples or documentation on this?