I am working on a before insert class that searches for a custom object record and populates it on the OpportunityLineItem. For a while this morning, it was not working. However, I found this post from Jeff Douglas that solved why my class was not working: http://blog.jeffdouglas.com/2010/02/23/relationship-lookup-objects-in-triggers-are-null/ The post describes that lookups are null on isnew triggers and that you must query the object to get the values.
I did this in my method and my debug statements shows that it works. The problem is I think I need to do the same thing it again in a later method. It doesn't make sense to me that I would need to make two queries again to get record info that I already have queried earlier in the process.
I have two questions: * What am I doing wrong in my updateOLI method because as it's written it's not finding a match against my concatenation. * Is there a way to reuse maps from one method to another?
public static void filterInsert(List<OpportunityLineItem> newlist)
Set<String> olikeys = new Set<String>();
List<OpportunityLineItem> olis = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
Set<Id> oppIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> prodIds = new Set<Id>();
// Create a set of all the unique Opp Ids that we need to query for
for(OpportunityLineItem oliO : newList)
// Create a map so that Opportunity is locatable by its Id (key)
Map<Id, Opportunity> oppsMap = new Map<Id, Opportunity>(
[SELECT Id, Account.OwnerId FROM Opportunity WHERE Id IN :oppIds]);
// Create a set of all the unique Product Ids that we need to query for
for(OpportunityLineItem oliP : newList)
// Create a map so that the Product is locatable by its Id (key)
Map<Id, Product2> prodsMap = new Map<Id, Product2>(
[SELECT Id, Practice__c FROM Product2 WHERE Id IN :prodIds]);
// On Insert we add to all products
for(OpportunityLineItem oppyLine : newList)
olikeys.add(oppsMap.get(oppyLine.OpportunityId).Account.OwnerId + '-' + prodsMap.get(oppyLine.Product2Id).Practice__c);
Map<String, Responsible_Party__c> rmap = getResParty(olikeys);
updateOLI(rmap, olis);
public static Map<String, Responsible_Party__c> getResParty(Set<String> olikeys)
Map<String, Responsible_Party__c> rmap = new Map<String, Responsible_Party__c>();
for(Responsible_Party__c r : [SELECT Id,
FROM Responsible_Party__c
WHERE Key__c IN : olikeys])
rmap.put(r.Key__c, r);
return rmap;
public static void updateOLI(Map<String, Responsible_Party__c> rmap, List<OpportunityLineItem> olis)
for(OpportunityLineItem o : olis)
Responsible_Party__c r = rmap.get(o.Opportunity.Account.OwnerId + '-' + o.Product2.Practice__c);
If(r != null)
o.Responsible_Party__c = r.Id;
// o.Responsible_Party__c = null;