Well, the easiest way to figure that out is to do some benchmarking. Adrian Larson's Apex Limits Profiler can help out with that, but I'm feeling a bit lazy, and this seems like a simple enough test.
My test code is as follows:
Decimal average;
// Profiling using SOQL aggregate function
Decimal startTime = Limits.getCpuTime();
DateTime startDT = DateTime.now();
average = 0;
List<AggregateResult> ar = [SELECT AVG(MRR__c) FROM Account WHERE Account_Status__c = 'Active' AND RecordType.Name = 'Billing'];
average = (Decimal)ar[0].get('expr0');
DateTime endDT = DateTime.now();
Decimal endTime = Limits.getCpuTime();
system.debug(System.LoggingLevel.INFO, 'time to execute: ' + (endTime - startTime));
system.debug(System.LoggingLevel.INFO, 'execution in ms: ' + (endDT.getTime() - startDT.getTime()));
// Profiling using normal query + loop
startTime = Limits.getCpuTime();
startDT = DateTime.now();
average = 0;
Integer numRecs = 0;
for(Account acct :[SELECT Id, MRR__c FROM Account WHERE Account_Status__c = 'Active' AND RecordType.Name = 'Billing']){
average += acct.MRR__c == null ? 0 : acct.MRR__c;
average = average/numRecs;
endDT = DateTime.now();
endTime = Limits.getCpuTime();
system.debug(System.LoggingLevel.INFO, 'time to execute: ' + (endTime - startTime));
system.debug(System.LoggingLevel.INFO, 'execution in ms: ' + (endDT.getTime() - startDT.getTime()));
In 5 separate runs through anonymous apex, with profile levels set to 'NONE' except for the Apex and Profiling categories (set to 'INFO'). My query ended up pulling 7,167 records total. I ran my code once before taking measurements to eliminate variance from any compile caching Salesforce might do for anon apex. My results were as follows:
Aggregate function ( AVG() )
- Run 1
- 6 CPU units
- 421 milliseconds
- Run 2
- 5 CPU units
- 519 milliseconds
- Run 3
- 6 CPU units
- 387 milliseconds
- Run 4
- 5 CPU units
- 395 milliseconds
- Run 5
- 6 CPU units
- 632 milliseconds
SOQL for loop + apex
- Run 1
- 658 CPU units
- 1635 milliseconds
- Run 2
- 649 CPU Units
- 1427 milliseconds
- Run 3
- 704 CPU Units
- 1442 milliseconds
- Run 4
- 653 CPU Units
- 1731 milliseconds
- Run 5
- 654 CPU Units
- 1468 milliseconds
It's no contest. SOQL Aggregate functions are faster to execute, and put 2 orders of magnitude less stress on your CPU governor limit. I will note that the following variant that doesn't use a SOQL for loop is measurably better (~513 CPU time, ~1270 milliseconds) in my particular case, but it's still no contest.
startTime = Limits.getCpuTime();
startDT = DateTime.now();
average = 0;
Integer numRecs = 0;
List<Account> accts = [SELECT Id, MRR__c FROM Account WHERE Account_Status__c = 'Active' AND RecordType.Name = 'Billing'];
for(Account acct :accts){
average += acct.MRR__c == null ? 0 : acct.MRR__c;
average = average/accts.size();
endDT = DateTime.now();
endTime = Limits.getCpuTime();