There are a number of ways to see if a record has been updated, though you don't provide much info on your use case. IF you want to prevent users from editing a record in a certain state, this can be done with a validation rule. Perhaps something like:
State_Field == 'Locked' && $Profile.Name != 'Special Admin Profile'
With the message:
This account is locked and can only be modified by a Special Admin
Another idea would be to use a workflow rule to change the Record Type based on appropriate criteria, and set different permissions/layouts for the new record type.
Here's other some potential answers depending on what you're trying to do:
Do you want to report on the last user who modified a record, with the date?
- Run a report on the last modified by field.
Do you want to run reports to see who has made what changes to certain fields?
- add history tracking to the fields, run a report off the history object.
Do you want to prevent all users except for a certain role or profile from editing based on a field status?
- Use a validation rule that takes the profile or role into account.
Have an alert on the detail page if the record is changed while you're viewing it?
- Use a visualforce page inserted on the page layout that grabs the last modified date on page load, then periodically polls the database to see if it's been modified, or use the streaming API.