I've designed this apex trigger and test class to create a task each time an email message is sent in Salesforce. I've been successful with bulkifying it by using a list and map collection to locate contacts based on an email address associated with a contact.
trigger EmailToTask on EmailMessage (after insert) {
list<Task> lstTask = new list<Task>();
map<String,Id> mapEmail = new map<String,Id>();
map<String,Id> mapWorkEmail = new map<String,Id>();
map<String,Id> mapHomeEmail = new map<String,Id>();
for(Contact con: [SELECT Id,Email,npe01__WorkEmail__c,npe01__HomeEmail__c FROM Contact]){
for (EmailMessage e : Trigger.new) {
if (e.RelatedToId != NULL
&& (mapEmail <> NULL && !mapEmail.isEmpty()
|| mapWorkEmail <> NULL && !mapWorkEmail.isEmpty()
|| mapHomeEmail <> NULL && !mapHomeEmail.isEmpty())
) {
Task t = new Task();
t.ActivityDate = date.today();
t.Description = e.TextBody;
t.Move_Type__c = 'Personal Note/Email from Donor';
t.Priority = 'Normal';
t.Status = 'Completed';
t.Subject = e.Subject;
t.WhatId = e.RelatedToId;
t.WhoId = mapEmail.get(e.ToAddress);
else if(mapWorkEmail.containsKey(e.ToAddress )){
t.WhoId = mapWorkEmail.get(e.ToAddress);
else if(mapHomeEmail.containsKey(e.ToAddress )){
t.WhoId = mapHomeEmail.get(e.ToAddress);
if(lstTask <> NULL && !lstTask.isEmpty()){
insert lstTask;
In addition, I have authored the following test class.
public with sharing class TestEmailTrigger {
@isTest static void test_method_c() {
Account a = new Account();
a.Name = 'Bob Smith Household';
insert a;
Contact c = new Contact();
c.lastname = 'Smith';
c.FirstName = 'Bob';
c.AccountId = a.Id;
c.npe01__HomeEmail__c = '[email protected]';
c.npe01__WorkEmail__c = '[email protected]';
c.Email = NULL;
c.npe01__Preferred_Email__c = 'Work';
insert c;
EmailMessage e = new EmailMessage();
e.BccAddress = '[email protected]';
e.FromAddress = '[email protected]';
e.FromName = 'Medhanie Habte';
e.MessageDate = datetime.now();
e.MessageIdentifier = '';
e.Status = '3';
e.Subject = 'test';
e.TextBody = 'test';
e.RelatedToId = c.AccountId;
e.ToAddress = '[email protected]';
e.ValidatedFromAddress = '[email protected]';
insert e;
Task t = new Task();
t.ActivityDate = date.today();
t.Description = e.TextBody;
t.Move_Type__c = 'Personal Note/Email from Donor';
t.Priority = 'Normal';
t.Status = 'Completed';
t.Subject = e.Subject;
t.WhatId = e.RelatedToId;
t.WhoId = c.Id;
insert t;
@isTest static void test_method_b() {
Account a = new Account();
a.Name = 'Bob Smith Household';
insert a;
Contact c = new Contact();
c.lastname = 'Smith';
c.FirstName = 'Bob';
c.AccountId = a.Id;
c.npe01__HomeEmail__c = '';
c.npe01__WorkEmail__c = '[email protected]';
c.Email = NULL;
c.npe01__Preferred_Email__c = 'Work';
insert c;
EmailMessage e = new EmailMessage();
e.BccAddress = '[email protected]';
e.FromAddress = '[email protected]';
e.FromName = 'Medhanie Habte';
e.MessageDate = datetime.now();
e.MessageIdentifier = '';
e.Status = '3';
e.Subject = 'test';
e.TextBody = 'test';
e.RelatedToId = c.AccountId;
e.ToAddress = '[email protected]';
e.ValidatedFromAddress = '[email protected]';
insert e;
Task t = new Task();
t.ActivityDate = date.today();
t.Description = e.TextBody;
t.Move_Type__c = 'Personal Note/Email from Donor';
t.Priority = 'Normal';
t.Status = 'Completed';
t.Subject = e.Subject;
t.WhatId = e.RelatedToId;
t.WhoId = c.Id;
insert t;
@isTest static void test_method_d() {
Account a = new Account();
a.Name = 'Bob Smith Household';
insert a;
Contact c = new Contact();
c.lastname = 'Smith';
c.FirstName = 'Bob';
c.AccountId = a.Id;
c.npe01__HomeEmail__c = '[email protected]';
c.npe01__WorkEmail__c = NULL;
c.Email = NULL;
c.npe01__Preferred_Email__c = 'Work';
insert c;
EmailMessage e = new EmailMessage();
e.BccAddress = '[email protected]';
e.FromAddress = '[email protected]';
e.FromName = 'Medhanie Habte';
e.MessageDate = datetime.now();
e.MessageIdentifier = '';
e.Status = '3';
e.Subject = 'test';
e.TextBody = 'test';
e.RelatedToId = c.AccountId;
e.ToAddress = '[email protected]';
e.ValidatedFromAddress = '[email protected]';
insert e;
Task t = new Task();
t.ActivityDate = date.today();
t.Description = e.TextBody;
t.Move_Type__c = 'Personal Note/Email from Donor';
t.Priority = 'Normal';
t.Status = 'Completed';
t.Subject = e.Subject;
t.WhatId = e.RelatedToId;
t.WhoId = c.Id;
insert t;} @isTest static void test_method_e() {
Account a = new Account();
a.Name = 'Bob Smith Household';
insert a;
Contact c = new Contact();
c.lastname = 'Smith';
c.FirstName = 'Bob';
c.AccountId = a.Id;
c.npe01__HomeEmail__c = '[email protected]';
c.npe01__WorkEmail__c = '[email protected]';
c.Email = '[email protected]';
c.npe01__Preferred_Email__c = 'Work';
insert c;
EmailMessage e = new EmailMessage();
e.BccAddress = '[email protected]';
e.FromAddress = '[email protected]';
e.FromName = 'Medhanie Habte';
e.MessageDate = datetime.now();
e.MessageIdentifier = '';
e.Status = '3';
e.Subject = 'test';
e.TextBody = 'test';
e.RelatedToId = c.AccountId;
e.ToAddress = '[email protected]';
e.ValidatedFromAddress = '[email protected]';
insert e;
Task t = new Task();
t.ActivityDate = date.today();
t.Description = e.TextBody;
t.Move_Type__c = 'Personal Note/Email from Donor';
t.Priority = 'Normal';
t.Status = 'Completed';
t.Subject = e.Subject;
t.WhatId = e.RelatedToId;
t.WhoId = c.Id;
insert t;}}
Currently this code acheives 90% code coverage, the only are of code that isn't covered is...
|| mapWorkEmail <> NULL && !mapWorkEmail.isEmpty()
|| mapHomeEmail <> NULL && !mapHomeEmail.isEmpty())
As well as t.WhoId = mapWorkEmail.get(e.ToAddress); and t.WhoId = mapEmail.get(e.ToAddress);
Are there any steps I should allow for the the mapWorkEmail and mapHomeEmail variables to be covered. I may be overthinking here but would love to have 100% coverage.