Currently I have trigger and class that add credit lines to a credit request object. This trigger is for after insert and after update. After an insert 8 credit lines are added to the credit request, which is expected. After an update and additional 8 credit lines are added thus totalling 16 credit lines. The intent of the code was to delete the prior 8 credit lines and add new credit lines after an update. Unfortunately the deletion of the prior credit lines is not occurring.

public class AddOrUpdateCreditLineTriggerHandler {

Map<Id, List<Credit_lines__c>> mapCRToCL = new Map<id, List<credit_lines__c>>();
map<id, Credit_Request__c> original; 
map<id,Credit_Request__c> modified;
List<Credit_Lines__c> associatedCreditLines;
List<Credit_lines__c> toDelete = new List<Credit_Lines__c>();
List<Credit_lines__c> toInsert = new List<Credit_lines__c>();

public AddOrUpdateCreditLineTriggerHandler(List<Credit_Request__c> original, List<Credit_Request__c> modified){
    if(original != null) {
        this.original = New Map<Id, Credit_Request__C>(original);
    this.modified = New Map<Id, Credit_Request__c>(modified);
    associatedCreditLines = 
        [SELECT id, Product__C, Name, credit_request__c 
        FROM Credit_Lines__C 
        WHERE Credit_request__c in :modified ];
    for(Credit_lines__c cl: associatedCreditLines) {
        } else {
            mapCRToCL.put(cl.credit_request__c, new List<Credit_Lines__c>{cl}); 

public void run(){ 
    } else if (Trigger.isUpdate){

private void afterInsert(){
    for(Credit_Request__c cr : this.modified.values() ){
    insert toInsert;

private void afterUpdate(){
    for(Credit_Request__c cr : filterQtyChanged(this.modified.values())){
   insert toInsert;

private List<Credit_lines__c> createStandardCreditLines(Credit_Request__c cr){
    List<Credit_Lines__c> created = new List<Credit_Lines__c>();
    for(AutomatedCreditLineRecords__c a: creditLines()){
        if(a.multiplierField__c != null && cr.get(a.multiplierField__c) == null){
        Double multiplier = 1;
        if(a.multiplierField__c != null && cr.get(a.multiplierField__c) != null){
            multiplier = (Double) cr.get(a.multiplierField__c);
            New Credit_lines__c(
                Credit_Request__c = cr.Id,
                Quantity__c = (a.Qty__c * multiplier),
                Product__c = a.productId__c
    return created;

private List<AutomatedCreditLineRecords__c> CreditLines(){
    return AutomatedCreditLineRecords__c.getall().values();

private List<Credit_Request__c> filterQtyChanged(List<Credit_Request__c> possible){
    List<Credit_request__c> toUpdate = new List<Credit_Request__c>();
    for(Credit_Request__c cr : this.modified.values()){ 
        if(QuantityChanged(this.original.get(cr.id), cr)){
    return toUpdate;

1 Answer 1


Look at you're code, it's not exactly symmetric:

private void afterUpdate(){
    for(Credit_Request__c cr : filterQtyChanged(this.modified.values())){
   insert toInsert;

You add records to your toInsert collection, then call insert toInsert. You add records to your toDelete collection...but never call delete toDelete.

  • Thanks for the assistance that did it, just vetting it and going cross eyed.
    – Chris
    Commented Jun 23, 2017 at 20:29
  • are you on codementor
    – Chris
    Commented Jun 23, 2017 at 20:38
  • @ChrisSecrist Nope don't even know what that is.
    – Adrian Larson
    Commented Jun 23, 2017 at 20:38
  • Website where individuals like me with no experience can get live help for a certain price. (codementor.io) Like 15 dollars for 20 minutes or so for live session. You know apex extremely well and I may have more questions in future. Right now still vetting this class and trigger
    – Chris
    Commented Jun 23, 2017 at 20:42
  • Interesting... I wonder if there's much demand for help with Apex.
    – Adrian Larson
    Commented Jun 23, 2017 at 20:43

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