I am trying to write a test class.
My Apex class has the following constructor:
public NController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
cas = (Case) controller.getRecord();
csId = cas.Id;
owner = cas.OwnerId;
N_SSettings__c nhdsms = N_SSettings__c.getValues('Int');
Here N_SSettings__c
is a custom settings which has two fields Rate_Code__c
and Acc_Id__c
. It has a record called 'Int' with both Rate_Code__c
and Acc_Id__c
field values populated.
I am using the following test class method:
public class NHSsendSMSController_Test
public static testMethod void NHSsendSMSControllerTest()
Case caseObj = new Case();
insert caseObj;
ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.standardController(caseObj);
NController nControllerObj = new NController(sc);
When I run the test method, it is throwing a null pointer exception on the line :
rate = nhdsms.Rate_Code__c;
The custom setting is definitely present with the required values of both the fields of Int.