I have a requirement of generating a unique 25 char alpha numeric #which has to be unique across different pods. I am using the following function.
public with sharing class GenerateUniqueKey {
private static final Integer KEY_LENGTH = 25;
public static String generateKey(){
Blob aes = Crypto.generateAesKey(128);
String randomValue = EncodingUtil.convertToHex(aes).left(KEY_LENGTH);
return randomValue;
So far, in the debug console, running it in a loop of 4071 generated unique output since the set has 4071 elements.
Set<String> generateKey = new Set<String>();
for(integer i = 0; i < 4071 ; i++){
String key = GenerateUniqueKey.generateKey();
for(String s : generateKey){
System.debug('>>>>> length : ' + generateKey.size());
}catch(Exception e){
System.debug('>>>>> Exception : ' + e);
My question is does the above class guarantee unique 25 chars across pods in salesforce?
Why 4071? in loop, else maximum debug log reached.
Turn down your log levels. You should be able to get a whole lot more to test