I have a weird problem as this never happened to me: I have a custom wrapper class to contain 2 values, integer and single custom object. I'm creating List of this class type and then passing it to child component.
Then i display all data using aura:iteration and ui:inputText.
Problem starts when i try to change the value of field that already has some value loaded (there are empty fields, but i can edit these). If i try to change them the value is overwritten by old one.
There are no onChange attributes or change handlers, that would reload this list on change.
Any ideas what would cause this? (sorry for weird enters in code i still cant format code here properly :))
My final goal is to upsert this list when i click "Update" or create new List of objects that need upsert(ones that were changed)
<aura:iteration items="{!v.flockStatsList}" var="fs">
<ui:inputNumber value="{!fs.fls.Daily_dead__c}"
<ui:inputText value="{!fs.fls.Daily_selection__c}" />
<ui:inputText value="{!fs.fls.Daily_feed_consumed__c}" />
<ui:inputText value="
{!fs.fls.Daily_water_consumption__c}" />
<ui:inputText value="{!fs.fls.Avg_body_weight__c}" />
<ui:inputText value="{!fs.fls.Number_of_weighings__c}" />
<ui:inputText value="
{!fs.fls.Feed_delivery_from_farm_to_house__c}" />
<ui:inputText value="{!fs.fls.Feed_code__c}" />
<ui:inputText value="{!fs.fls.Note__c}" />