
/* Wrapper class */

public class WrapperCriteria
public Criteria_Master__c  criteriaMaster {get;set;}
public Integer index  {get;set;}
public Action_Criteria__c record  {get;set;}
public string CriteriaMasId  {get;set;}
public String ObjectApiNAme  {get;set;}
public Criteria_Master__c CriteriaMas{get;set;}
public String SpecialOperator {get;set;}
public String SelObjectName {get;set;}
public String FieldName{get;set;}
public String Operator{get;set;}
public decimal specialOperatorSlashValue{get;set;}
public decimal specialOperatorValue{get; set;}
public List<SelectOption> ComponentsInWpr{get; set;}
public List<SelectOption> Components{get; set;}
public List<SelectOption> Components1{get; set;}

public WrapperCriteria()
    this.criteriaMaster=new Criteria_Master__c();


server side:

public static WrapperCriteria getComponent(string wrapval,string id) {
    String objectName;
    Criteria_Master__c cmas = new Criteria_Master__c();
    List < WrapperCriteria > warpList = (List < WrapperCriteria > )System.JSON.deserialize(wrapval, List<WrapperCriteria >.class);

    system.debug('::::::wrList value::::' + warpList);
    system.debug('id value ::::::' + id);

        WrapperCriteria ac=new WrapperCriteria ();
    List < SelectOption > ObjNames = new List < SelectOption > ();
    ObjNames.add(new SelectOption('', '--None--'));
    ObjNames.add(new selectoption('Pay_Element_Master__c', 'Pay Element'));
    ObjNames.add(new selectoption('CTC_Master__c', 'CTC Master'));

    Map <String,String> ctcMasAPINames = new Map < String, String > ();
    cmas = [select id, Name, Action_Criteria__c, Company_Master__c from Criteria_Master__c where Id=:id];

    if (warpList.size() > 0) {
        for (WrapperCriteria wr: warpList) {
            List <SelectOption > options = new List <SelectOption > ();
            if (wr.ObjectApiNAme == 'Pay_Element_Master__c') {
                for (SelectOption so: ObjNames) {
                    if (so.Value == wr.ObjectApiNAme) {
                        objectName = so.Label;
                        system.debug('****objectname *****' + objectName);
                wr.SelObjectName = objectName;     //aassigned to wrapper

                for (Pay_Element_Master__c pem: [select id, name, Company_Master__c from Pay_Element_Master__c where Company_Master__c = : cmas.Company_Master__c]) {
                    options.add(new SelectOption(pem.id, pem.name));
                    ctcMasAPINames.put(pem.id, pem.name);
                    System.debug('--------Pay element MAster MAP VAlues-----' + ctcMasAPINames);
                ac.Components = options;
                system.debug('ac.Components value:::::::'+ac.Components);
            else if (wr.ObjectApiNAme == 'CTC_Master__c') {
                for (SelectOption so: ObjNames) {
                    if (so.Value == wr.ObjectApiNAme) {
                        objectName = so.Label;
                        system.debug('-----------objectname --------------' + objectName);
                wr.SelObjectName = objectName;
                Map < String, Schema.SObjectType > globalDescription = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
                Schema.sObjectType objType = globalDescription.get('CTC_Master__c');
                Schema.DescribeSObjectResult ob = objType.getDescribe();

                if (ob == Null) {
                    AuraHandledException e = new AuraHandledException('Invalid sObject Type');
                    e.setMessage('Invalid sObject Type');
                    throw e;

                Map < String, Schema.SObjectField > mapFieldList = ob.fields.getMap();

                for (Schema.SObjectField field: mapFieldList.values()) {
                    Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = field.getDescribe();
                    if (fieldResult.isAccessible() && (fieldResult.getType() == Schema.DisplayType.Integer || fieldResult.getType() == Schema.DisplayType.Double || fieldResult.getType() == Schema.DisplayType.Currency)) {
                        options.add(new SelectOption(fieldResult.getName(), fieldResult.getLabel()));
                ac.Components1= options;
                system.debug('ac.Components1 value:::::::'+ac.Components1);

    return ac;

javascript side:

    Method2: function(component, event, helper) {

    var comp = component.get("v.wrplst");
    var compJson = JSON.stringify(comp);
    var Id1 = component.get("v.theId");
    var compAction = component.get("c.getComponent");
        "id": Id1,
    compAction.setCallback(this, function(re) {
        var state = re.getState();
        if (state ==='SUCCESS') {
           var da=re.getReturnValue();
           var myJSON = re.getReturnValue();
           // var myObj = JSON.parse(myJSON);
            alert('myJson value:::::'+myJSON);
            //alert('::::::::::::::::'+( myObj.components);

        else if(state==='error'){
            alert('error value');
            else if(state==='INCOMPLETE'){
                alert('incomplete values:::');


Problem : Javascript side shows null values.If I use string as return type for wrapper..It will work...why this code isnt working??...I have tried parameter like this List wraplist as a parmeter...but it doesn't work for me

  • 1
    It's a known issue that unless you set default values they will not be accessible in your component. Supposed to be fixed in summer 17
    – Eric
    Commented Apr 3, 2017 at 8:53

2 Answers 2


I can see 2 things:

  • Your WrapperCriteria class has a Components attribute, whereas your JS Controller is using myObj.components (lower case). Be careful as JavaScript is case sensitive
  • This same Components attribute is a list of SelectOption which is not @AuraEnabled. You'll need to create your own SelectOption class as described here: @AuraEnabled Support for Apex Class Return Types?

Change your wrapper class :

public class WrapperCriteria
public Criteria_Master__c  criteriaMaster ;
public Integer index  ;
public Action_Criteria__c record  ;
public string CriteriaMasId  ;
public String ObjectApiNAme  ;
public Criteria_Master__c CriteriaMas;
public String SpecialOperator ;
public String SelObjectName ;
public String FieldName;
public String Operator;
public decimal specialOperatorSlashValue;
public decimal specialOperatorValue;
public List<SelectOption> ComponentsInWpr;
public List<SelectOption> Components;

@AuraEnabled public List Components1;

public WrapperCriteria() { this.criteriaMaster=new Criteria_Master__c(); }

  • I didnt get ..Piyush Kumar
    – Annappa PH
    Commented Mar 31, 2017 at 11:28

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