I'm using standard set controller, with dynamic search options on VF page. Now soql limit 1000 it works perfect.
But i've to remove the soql querye limit. I.e. I can be able to fetch 70000 record also.
I'm updating record from my apex code via wrapper class.
IF I use read only= true
and Standard set control pagination then can i able to fetch more than 50000 record.?
Now i'm try to use the offset in soql limit but when i use the offset is soql query, it will not fech the record(means offset word in query not working).
Please Guide for solution
My lat part of dynamic soql query is .
QueryLion += ' ORDER BY ' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(SortField) + ' ' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(SortDirection) + ' LIMIT '+String.escapeSingleQuotes(String.ValueOf(list_size))+' OFFSET ' +String.escapeSingleQuotes(String.ValueOf(counter));
even if i try below below hard code its not working
QueryLion += ' ORDER BY ' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(SortField) + ' ' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(SortDirection) + ' LIMIT 1000 offset 2';
My Vf page Screenshot. getting zer0 record when used offset.