I got advice earlier today on how to separate my handler class's concerns so that I can test them better.

I cannot get the class to compile and it's killing me inside. The idea is that when a record is edited the there is a method to filter the records and then another method to do things with that filtered list.

When I try to save I get the error on this line:

List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> filtered = filterUpdate(newMap, oldMap);

Illegal assignment from void to List Line 18.

This is what I have thus far, can you help me understand how I can pass the value of the query to the list so I can pass the values to the separate methods?

    public override void afterInsert(Map<Id, SObject> newMapGeneric){
        Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c> newMap = (Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c>) newMapGeneric;
            isRecursive = true;
    public override void afterUpdate(Map<Id, SObject> oldMapGeneric, Map<Id, SObject> newMapGeneric){
        Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c> oldMap = (Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c>) oldMapGeneric;
        Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c> newMap = (Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c>) newMapGeneric;
            isRecursive = true;
            List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> filtered = filterUpdate(newMap, oldMap);
            System.debug('filtered is:: ' + filtered);

    public static void filterUpdate(Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c> newMap, Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c> oldMap)
        List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> revPipeline = new List<Revenue_Pipeline__c>();
        // Check if the fields changed

        for(Revenue_Pipeline__c revPipe : newMap.values())
                revPipe.Product_Start_Date__c       != oldMap.get(revPipe.Id).Product_Start_Date__c ||
                revPipe.Product_End_Date__c         != oldMap.get(revPipe.Id).Product_End_Date__c ||
                revPipe.Product_Price__c            != oldMap.get(revPipe.Id).Product_Price__c ||
                revPipe.Weighted_Product_Price__c   != oldMap.get(revPipe.Id).Weighted_Product_Price__c
        System.debug('revPipeline is::' + revPipeline);

    public static void createRevSchedule(Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c> newMap)
        List<Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c> newSchedule = new List<Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c>();
        for(Revenue_Pipeline__c revPipe : newMap.values()) {
            Integer numOfMonths = revPipe.Product_Start_Date__c.monthsBetween(revPipe.Product_End_Date__c) + 1;
            Integer n = revPipe.Subscription_Type__c == 'Subscription' ? 1 : 0;
            for(Integer i=0; i < numOfMonths; i++) {

                System.debug('Weighted Product Price is:: ' + revPipe.Weighted_Product_Price__c);

                    Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c revSchedule = new Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c();
                    revSchedule.Amount__c = revPipe.Weighted_Product_Price__c/numOfMonths;
                    revSchedule.Date__c = revPipe.Product_Start_Date__c.addMonths(i + n);
                    revSchedule.Name = revPipe.Name + ' - ' + revSchedule.Date__c.year() + '-' + revSchedule.Date__c.month();
                    revSchedule.Revenue_Pipeline__c = revPipe.Id;
                    revSchedule.CurrencyIsoCode = revPipe.CurrencyIsoCode;
        if(newSchedule.size() > 0){
                insert newSchedule;             
            } catch (DmlException d)
                for (Integer i = 0; i < d.getNumDml(); i++)
                    Id parentId = newSchedule[i].Id;

    public static void createSchedule(List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> filtered)
        List<Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c> newSchedule = new List<Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c>();
        for(Revenue_Pipeline__c revPipe : filtered) {
            Integer numOfMonths = revPipe.Product_Start_Date__c.monthsBetween(revPipe.Product_End_Date__c) + 1;
            Integer n = revPipe.Subscription_Type__c == 'Subscription' ? 1 : 0;
            for(Integer i=0; i < numOfMonths; i++) {

                System.debug('Weighted Product Price is:: ' + revPipe.Weighted_Product_Price__c);

                    Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c revSchedule = new Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c();
                    revSchedule.Amount__c = revPipe.Weighted_Product_Price__c/numOfMonths;
                    revSchedule.Date__c = revPipe.Product_Start_Date__c.addMonths(i + n);
                    revSchedule.Name = revPipe.Name + ' - ' + revSchedule.Date__c.year() + '-' + revSchedule.Date__c.month();
                    revSchedule.Revenue_Pipeline__c = revPipe.Id;
                    revSchedule.CurrencyIsoCode = revPipe.CurrencyIsoCode;
        if(newSchedule.size() > 0){
                insert newSchedule;             
            } catch (DmlException d)
                for (Integer i = 0; i < d.getNumDml(); i++)
                    Id parentId = newSchedule[i].Id;

    // Delete Revenue Pipleine Schedule Records
    public static void deleteSchedule(List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> filtered)
        List<Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c> revPipeS = [SELECT Id,
                                                           FROM Revenue_Pipeline_Schedule__c
                                                           WHERE Revenue_Pipeline__r.Id In : filtered];

        delete revPipeS;
  • What is written on line 18?
    – Ashwani
    Commented Jan 19, 2017 at 4:04
  • this line: List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> filtered = filterUpdate(newMap, oldMap); Commented Jan 19, 2017 at 4:05
  • your filterUpdate method is returning void
    – RCS
    Commented Jan 19, 2017 at 4:05

3 Answers 3


You need to add return keyword at end also replace the void with the type you are returning here it is List<Revenue_Pipeline__c>:

public static List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> filterUpdate(Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c> newMap, Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c> oldMap)
        List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> revPipeline = new List<Revenue_Pipeline__c>();
        // Check if the fields changed

        for(Revenue_Pipeline__c revPipe : newMap.values())
                revPipe.Product_Start_Date__c       != oldMap.get(revPipe.Id).Product_Start_Date__c ||
                revPipe.Product_End_Date__c         != oldMap.get(revPipe.Id).Product_End_Date__c ||
                revPipe.Product_Price__c            != oldMap.get(revPipe.Id).Product_Price__c ||
                revPipe.Weighted_Product_Price__c   != oldMap.get(revPipe.Id).Weighted_Product_Price__c
        System.debug('revPipeline is::' + revPipeline);
        return revPipeline;

Make sure the return variable type and the return type (we write in place of void) must be same.


You need to change the return type on your filter method from void to List<Revenue_Pipeline__c>.

No Joy

public static void myfilterMethod(...)
    List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> filtered = new List<Revenue_Pipeline__c>();
    // filter logic


public static List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> myfilterMethod(...)
    List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> filtered = new List<Revenue_Pipeline__c>();
    // filter logic
    return filtered;
  • Looking at the methods is this separated enough to test thoroughly? Commented Jan 19, 2017 at 4:19
  • I would separate out the error handling on insert into a safeInsert method. Also note that there is no reason to skip DML on empty lists.
    – Adrian Larson
    Commented Jan 19, 2017 at 4:21
  • What? what do you mean? Commented Jan 19, 2017 at 4:24
  • If you split out your try/catch logic into a separate method, it is much easier to induce a DmlException.
    – Adrian Larson
    Commented Jan 19, 2017 at 4:25

You need to modify the below method

public static List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> filterUpdate(Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c> newMap, Map<Id, Revenue_Pipeline__c> oldMap)
     List<Revenue_Pipeline__c> revPipeline = new List<Revenue_Pipeline__c>();
     // Check if the fields changed
     for(Revenue_Pipeline__c revPipe : newMap.values())
                revPipe.Product_Start_Date__c       != oldMap.get(revPipe.Id).Product_Start_Date__c ||
                revPipe.Product_End_Date__c         != oldMap.get(revPipe.Id).Product_End_Date__c ||
                revPipe.Product_Price__c            != oldMap.get(revPipe.Id).Product_Price__c ||
                revPipe.Weighted_Product_Price__c   != oldMap.get(revPipe.Id).Weighted_Product_Price__c
        System.debug('revPipeline is::' + revPipeline);
        return revPipeline;

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