Simple and short question, what is the cheapest way to query (plain SOQL) if an object has child records? I want to avoid running into limits even if there are parents with millions of child records.
2 Answers
You can use a Left Inner Join
to get the data you want with pure SOQL. For example:
SELECT Id FROM Parent__c WHERE Id IN (SELECT Parent__c FROM Child__c)
The joined rows do not count against your query row limit.
for(Account acc:[Select Id, (Select Id From Contacts limit 1) From Account Where Id=:idVar]) {
if(acc.Contacts != null && acc.Contacts.size() >0) {
System.debug('Has child records.');
} else {
System.debug('No child records.');
Thanks and how would this work with plain SOQL? (Without Apex) I updated the question to make that clear. Commented Dec 14, 2016 at 11:12
[Select Id, (Select Id From Contacts limit 1) From Account Where Id=:idVar]
is the query.:idVar
is just there to fetch a single Account. Commented Dec 14, 2016 at 11:23 -
@TarifAbuZara, if you are looking for only SOQL query without if-else then i am afraid you could do through SOQL which is possible through other RDBMS e.g.…– LakhanPCommented Dec 14, 2016 at 11:27