I am using a wrapper class as parameter in REST API HttpPost method, my wrapper class just parse the xml document passed in parameters. What is my problem that if a person build wrong XML schema and send it in parameter in my REST API Post method, the parser class gives the error of "XML_PARSER_ERROR" in json format. Is it possible to catch the "XML_PARSER_ERROR" in my REST API POST Method and re-generate the error in XML format? Or Is it possible me to show the "XML_PARSER_ERROR" in XML format instead of JSON format?
I also try Content-Type as application/xml, still I am getting XML_PARSER_ERROR message in JSON format.
The given code sample working great if passed xml string is in correct format, given issue arrive only if the passed xml is not in desired format. Code Sample:
REST API Class Method:
global static void doPost(LstBGSUpdateParamscl BGSCriminalUpdate) {
string sResOutPut = '<?xml version=\'1.0\' encoding=\'UTF-8\'?><response><message>';
string sReqStatus = '<status>Failed</status>';
Savepoint sp = Database.setSavepoint();
try {
for(BGSUpdateParamscl oBGSUpdateParams: BGSCriminalUpdate.row) {
if(oBGSUpdateParams.ResearcherName != null && oBGSUpdateParams.ResearcherName != '') {
catch(exception ex){
sResOutPut +='Operation Failed, '+ ex.getmessage();
sReqStatus = '<status>Failed</status>';
sResOutPut += '</message>'+ sReqStatus +'</response>';
RestContext.response.responseBody = Blob.valueOf(sResOutPut);
global with sharing class LstBGSUpdateParamscl {
public BGSUpdateParamscl[] row {get; set;}
global with sharing class BGSUpdateParamscl {
public string Status {get; set;}
public string SearchID {get; set;}
public string SearchType {get; set;}
public string ResearcherName {get; set;}
public string TransactionID {get; set;}
XML which will be passed in post method:
Received 123456 County Saam TR123456 Complete 123457 County Abbas TR123456
Example of calling the post method:
public void CallBGSUpdate(string xmlStr) {
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
Http http = new Http();
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth ' + userInfo.getSessionId());
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/xml');
try {
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
sMessage = res.getBody();
catch(Exception e){
sMessage = e.getMessage();
Please suggest me the way.
Thanks in Advance.