I'm trying to do the popover shown on the lightning tutorial: https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/components/popovers/
I'm new to lightning and I have been looking around on how to hide the popover when a user clicks outside of it but I haven't had much success. Most of the other solutions use jQuery and I don't want to use it. I tried following this solution: How to Close SLDS Dropdown Menu when clicked outside in Lightning Component?
But it doesn't seem to work or I don't know how to apply it properly.
Here is the component and it is embedded into a lightning application that has nothing else but this component:
<ltng:require styles="{!$Resource.slds214 + '/assets/styles/lightning-design-system-ltng.css'}" />
<span class="star-rating">
<ui:inputRadio name="stars" text="1" change="{!c.getRating}" /><i></i>
<ui:inputRadio name="stars" text="2" change="{!c.getRating}" /><i></i>
<ui:inputRadio name="stars" text="3" change="{!c.getRating}" /><i></i>
<ui:inputRadio name="stars" text="4" change="{!c.getRating}" /><i></i>
<ui:inputRadio name="stars" text="5" change="{!c.getRating}" /><i></i>
<p>Here's some text omg.</p>
The value of your selection is: <ui:outputText class="result" aura:id="rating" value=""></ui:outputText>
<div aura:id="submissionPopover" class="slds-popover slds-nubbin--left-bottom slds-hide" role="dialog" onblur="{!c.hidePopover}">
<div class="slds-popover__body" >
<p> lot's of stuff ... </p>
Here is the controller:
getRating : function(cmp, evt) {
/* previous logic... */
var myPopover = cmp.find('submissionPopover');
$A.util.removeClass(myPopover, 'slds-hide');
hidePopover : function(cmp, evt) {
var myPopover = cmp.find('submissionPopover');
$A.util.toggleClass(myPopover, 'slds-hide');
It seems that the onBlur event in the div is not firing but the change in the inputRadio is.
Is there a solution to how I can get the popover to disappear? Thanks!