I have a trigger on a child object called Interview. I would like to update a field on the parent object using a trigger on child object. Interviewer is a look up on interview object thus can have many interviewer related to the interview. Closed Date is a field on interview object which I check in my if condition( logic is irreverent). I have field on interviewer object called points__c(number). I like to add 1 to this field whenever the if(true) condition is satisfied. However in below code I am trying to figure out how to get the interviewer__c details inside the for loop so that I can just add =+ to the points__c field. If I put a SOQL i will not be bulkyfing the logic. Any suggestions?
if(trigger.IsAfter && trigger.IsUpdate){
for(Interview__c i : trigger.new){
Interviewer__c intr = new Interviewer__c();
if((i.Closed_Date__c!=trigger.oldMap.get(i.id).Closed_Date__c && trigger.oldMap.get(i.id).Closed_Date__c!=NULL) ||
(trigger.oldMap.get(i.id).Closed_Date__c==NULL && i.Closed_Date__c!=NULL)){
// want to add number 1 to the value in the points__c field on Interviewer__c object for this interview