Is force:inputfield not working for certain field types? I've put together a simple Lightning component I'm finding the following:

  • Picklists - Are rendered as disabled (this is an issue I'm aware of from other questions, but including here for completeness)
  • Text Area fields, I get the following error:

    This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it. Error during init [Mismatch at 7:0 client expected markup://force:inputField but got original markup://force:inputfield providing markup://ui:inputTextArea from server for creationPath = 0/[0]/$/[0]/$/[0]/[0]/*[0]]

  • Date Fields, I get the following error:

    This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it. Error during init [Mismatch at 7:0 client expected markup://force:inputField but got original markup://force:inputfield providing markup://ui:inputDate from server for creationPath = 0/[0]/$/[0]/$/[0]/[0]/*[0]]

I've already found that there are instances where isn't rendered at all and found this workaround to get the picklists working:

Lightning Component initialization after redirect

But that doesn't appear to be the issue here. Is anybody else seeing this error?

Here is the simple component on which I'm getting the error:

    <aura:attribute name="record" access="private" type="Custom_Object__c" default="{'sobjectType' : 'Custom_Object__c','Long_Text__c' : 'Long Text Exmaple','Date_Field__c' : '1900-04-01'}"/>
        <force:inputfield value="{!v.outcome.Example_Field__c}"/>

The component is closed off after this.

I can use ui:inputtextarea, etc, but there are certain fields which have no easy way to build without force:inputfield


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