I have one Custom object "Client and other one is Facility", there is look up relation in this When I Save any Facility record Client is Mandatory. Now I am giving both these object records into third object name Myobject as lookup again, but I want the data of client on the basis of facility means

Client A - Faciltiy A

Client B - Faciltiy A

Client C - Faciltiy A

Client D- Faciltiy A

Client E - Faciltiy B

Client F - Faciltiy B

If i select Facility A than only Clinet A,B,C,D should be shown in look up



2 Answers 2


I believe you'll need a custom lookup page to facilitate this.

Good guide here:


  • Or, you can use standard functionality.
    – sfdcfox
    Commented Oct 1, 2013 at 13:31

You can use the standard feature "Filtered Lookups" to enforce this logic. Go to MyObject, select the Client lookup field, add a mandatory filter lookup that states that Client Facility must equal MyObject Facility.

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