I'm attempting to create a report that maps activity on an account, by signalling whether certain 'capabilities' (services sold) stored as picklist values are selected on all related opportunity records.
To give a 'simple-terms' example, I have a picklist field with the options 'red', 'green' and 'blue' on my opportunity page. If I have 2 opportunities for my account "customer 1", where on Opportunity A I have selected 'red', and opportunity B I have selected 'red' and 'green', I would map that my activity with customer 1 is 2 red, 1 green and 0 blue.
I've tried to explain my (noob) logic below:
public List<Double> getWhichCapabilities(){
List<SelectOption> Myoptions = new List<SelectOption>();
List<Double> CapabilityMap = new List<Double>();
// I want to keep my Options to compare against dynamic, as I may add new 'capabilities' in future. I therefore count the picklist values available to set a limit for my loop.
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = Opportunity.Capability__c.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
for( Schema.PicklistEntry f : ple){
Myoptions.add(new SelectOption(f.getLabel(), f.getValue()));
//I should loop through the possible picklist values, each time checking to see if they have been selected.
for(Integer a = 0; a < Myoptions.size(); a++){
//I create a list of all opportunity records related to the account. I filter by each picklist value (currently active in the loop).
List<account> OppsWithCapabilities = [
SELECT id, name, (
SELECT id, capability__c from Opportunities
FROM account
WHERE ( account.id = :Current_Acc_Id ) AND ( account.opportunity.capability__c includes (:Myoptions.get(a)) )
//I then add an item to my final list ('Capability Map') which is the size of the OppsWithCapabilities (basically a count of the records that match the filter)
//finally, clear the list ready for the next iteration
//output a list of integers
return CapabilityMap;
So I get thrown the error (in the title) which signals to me that my sub-query on the opportunity records for my picklist field is wrong. For the life of me I can't work out why.
I expect to be returned a list of Integers which I can then manipulate on my vf page. I'm confident with my VF code that I can do this, so that isn't an issue.
For now, if you could assist with my compile error, that would be great. Also, for education purposes, if you know a more efficient way of performing this, I would appreciate the heads up (I'm learning as I go).
Thanks for your help and patience with my long post.
. Have a look at Relationship Queries also read and understand how to write soql query with filters