After the summer 13 update. I can no longer have statements like this in my test methods:
Case c1 = new Case();
c1 = CreateCase('00530000003sMR5','Low','New','Test Case2','Calling Create Case','TEST');
public static Case createCase(string inputOwnerID,string inputPriority,string inputStatus, string inputSubject, string inputDescription, string Branch) {
Case c = new Case(
OwnerId = inputOwnerID, //assigning ownerId from parameter
Priority = inputPriority, //assigning case Priority from parameter
Status = inputStatus, //assigning case Status from parameter
Subject = inputSubject, //assigning case subject from parameter
Description = inputDescription, //case description
SS_Department__c = 'IT', //Department
ContactId = '0033000000qYHOw', // case contact
SS_Software_Request_Type__c = 'Maintenance', //software request type
SS_Requested_Completion_Date__c = + 15, //requested completion date
SFDC_User_License_Used__c = '00530000003sMR5',
SS_Software_Affected__c = 'Email', //software affected
SS_Portal_Branch__c = Branch,
RecordTypeId = '01230000000sMUX' //case record type
The same statements used to work before, but I am now making changes to some classes and I get these error messages. No idea why, because nothing has changed that would affect permissions etc on my side.
System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY, insufficient access rights on cross-reference id: 0044000000qJTQr: []
Any ideas?
method? I'd especially like to know whether there's a record type being set (maybe somebody took the right to use this rec. type from SysAdmins). Failing that - any new case assignment rules, workflows related to Owner field etc?