I have a couple of applications built in Salesforce's Lightning Components.
Recently Salesforce released their Summer '16 Major Release this past weekend, on June 4th 2016. Something weird happened and now I'm getting a weird error every time I try to load any of my applications.
NOTE: I can load other JS libraries, such as svg4everybody just fine, jQuery is the only one I've tried that fails, and my applications heavily depend on it.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'expando' of undefined
throws at /resource/jquery:5:8159
That's when I have the following code in a new Lightning Application that I created to see what is up with this jQuery load error. Here's the code I have in the new app:
<ltng:require scripts="{!$Resource.jquery}" afterScriptsLoaded="{!c.init}"/>
<button aura:id="buttonThingy" onclick="{!c.clickMe}">Click Me!</button>
In the init function I've got this:
init: function(component, event, helper) {
console.log('running init');
Simple yes?
If I check Chrome's Console Log with the Log XMLHttpRequests checked in console settings, I can see that the request to load jQuery was a success since it says so...
XHR finished loading: GET "https://myOrgDomainName.lightning.force.com/resource/jquery".
Did anyone have this problem yet? If so how did you resolve it?
I've tried uploading minified, unminified, zipped up versions of jQuery to the Static Resources in my Org, and still no luck. Also switched between it being a Private and Public static resource. Still no luck.