I have a call to a method in a class as follows:
String key1 = "test1";
String key2 = "test2";
long[] datalr = new long[] {};
datalr = TestClass.callerSub(key1,key2);
The test class is as follows:
public class TestClass {
Public TestClass {
public long[] callerSub(string key1, String key2){
long[] datalr = new long[] {0,0};
datalr[0] = 2;
datalr[1] = 3;
return datalr;
I'm getting the following error in the first class:
Error: Compile Error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: TestClass.callerSub(String, String) at line 54 column 12
which is the following line:
datalr = TestClass.callerSub(key1,key2);
The datalr data in the callerSub method is just an example above,
Any idea why?