I have a custom made action in the standard contact page(call it "myaction") and to that action i have given a another URL say "/apex/mypage" . So when you click on the action "myaction" it redirects you to the page "mypage".

I am doing this using page reference, the standard way. For clear understanding i have the page below

<-----------------myaction is linked to vf page apex1------------------>

<apex:page controller="mycontroller" action="{!redirect}">

<-----------------------controller: mycontroller ----------------------->

global class mycontroller{
public Contact contact {get;set;}

 public mycontroller(){
  Id id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
  contact= (id == null) ? new Contact() :[SELECT AccountId, Phone FROM     Contact WHERE Id = :id];

 public Pagereference redirect(){
        PageReference redirect = new PageReference('/apex/mypage');
        return redirect;


<apex:page controller="mycontroller">
<apex:inputField id="phoneId" value="{!Contact.phone}"/>

here I am not able to get the value of contact.phone! it comes in as empty without any value. I am trying to communicate between two windows here maybe the current page does not give it since it is loaded after. I need help. Kindly suggest any other way to obtain my phone number in mypage. NOTE: This is lightning and not classic. Dunno if it makes any difference.

1 Answer 1


A small change in controller can make it work

global class mycontroller{
public Contact contact {get;set;}

 public mycontroller(){
  Id id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
  contact= (id == null) ? new Contact() :[SELECT AccountId, Phone FROM     Contact WHERE Id = :id];

 public Pagereference redirect(){
        Id recId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
        PageReference redirect = new PageReference('/apex/mypage?id='+recId );
        return redirect;

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