I was looking at the login history of my Salesforce API account and I noticed there was a column for application name. I would love to be able to specify that when performing a login so I can determine which applications are logging in and when.

Right now I am using the SOAP version of their API, but, I didn't see a property I could specify when logging in.


2 Answers 2


For the Partner API try setting the CallOptions.client to a string value before logging in.

This value is typically provided by Salesforce after you pass the security review and allows you to access Professional edition orgs.

  • I'm using the enterprise WSDL. Commented May 31, 2013 at 13:34


When using the REST API you need to create a Connected App (Setup/Create/Apps). The name of your connected application will be the name displayed in the application column.

If someone knows how to specify a name for the SOAP API I would welcome someone to update my answer.

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