I have a lightning component which set a div
's background color to red
in the doInit
method using jquery,is added as an lightning tab.
When i visit the tab in lightning experience for the first time, the component is loaded,div's bg color is properly set to red
.But when i navigate to few tabs and come back to the above tab.
is fired but the jquery is not setting the backgroud color of the div
While debugging i found out the selector $('#TestDiv')
(i.e jquery element object) logged in dev console is different for subsequent loads when compared with the first log,which seems odd.
I suspect this is because of the second or more the time the tab is visited, component definition from the cache is loaded,which inturn alters dom structure i suppose(i may be wrong)so that jquery fails to retrieve the proper dom element(which it did the first time the component was loaded).
Here's my code:
<aura:component implements="force:appHostable" access="public">
<ltng:require scripts="/resource/FullCalendar/FullCalendar/jquery-1.8.2.min.js" />
<aura:handler name="init" action="{!c.doInit}" value="{!this}" />
<div id="testDiv" style="height:100px;">
test div txt
console.log('setting bg:::')
$('#testDiv').css('background-color', 'red');
console.log('done setting bg:::')
-- UPDATE --
As @ratan mentioned ,i am aware of the lightning component's api method to modify the styles. I tried to debug the cause of the issue mentioned here while doing so i found a issue in retrieving the dom element using jquery on subsequent loads ,so i built an above component to explain the issue.