I have a line series with
Y AXIS = Opportunity Closed Date
X AXIS = Opportunity stage
OpportunityFeedback has 4 picklist values.
Based on that I was planning to spread the data into scatter series and give MarkerFill a different colour for each series.
<apex:chart data="{!TotalData}" height="200" width="90%" background="#FFFFFF">
<apex:legend position="top"/>
<apex:axis type="Numeric" position="left" grid="false" fields="OpportunityStage" dashSize="2">
<apex:chartLabel />
<apex:axis type="Category" position="bottom" fields="OpportunityClosedDate" >
<apex:chartLabel rotate="315"/>
<apex:lineSeries axis="left" xField="OpportunityClosedDate" yField="What should be put?" markerType="circle" markerSize="0" markerFill="#8E35EF" tips="false">
<apex:chartTips height="80" width="120" labelField="OpportunityStage" valueField="ToolTip"/>
<apex:scatterSeries axis="left" xField="OpportunityClosedDate" yField="What should be put?" markerType="circle" markerSize="4" markerFill="#1919ff"/>
How to spread data in an apex series?
*TotalData is the name of the method which returns the data.