I want to trace an apex class running process then setup as following:
click Developer console->debug->change log levels
In the section "class and trigger trace overrides", I choose related apex class, afterward, I set the Start date, end date and debug level.
click done
but always got two abnormal or error setting as following:
a.) start date and end date always auto change to other time
b.) or always get this error message
anyone can help?
New update: Here is example:
- I want to set start date as 2PM and end date as 6PM
- after I set, I just click any place in the UI then date changed to 2AM to 2PM
I reopen panel again, then I saw date change again. 10PM to 2AM
New Update (10-5-2016): I checked, My time zone and locale of my computer and Salesforce account are same, here is screenshot:
My Computer