How can i insert a master-detail relationship record in salesforce using apex class. Below is my code.

I am inserting poll questions first than with respect to its inserted id, I want to insert poll options.

1) LghtCompNS__Poll_Question__c(Master Object),
2) LghtCompNS__Poll_Option__c(Detail Object)

    public static LghtCompNS__Poll_Question__c addPollQuestion(LghtCompNS__Poll_Question__c pollQuest,
                                                               List<string> optionValList) {


            System.debug('Upsert Start');
            //Upsert poll question.
            upsert pollQuest;        
            System.debug('Question ID'+pollQuest.Id);
            System.debug('Option list' + optionValList);

            Poll_Option__c optionObj = new Poll_Option__c();
            //Add options for respective question.
            /*for(integer optVal=0;optVal<=optionValList.length;optVal++)
                optionObj = new Poll_Option__c(
                    LghtCompNS__Poll_Question__c = pollQuest.Id,

            for(string opt: optionValList){
                optionObj = new Poll_Option__c(
                    LghtCompNS__Poll_Question__c = pollQuest.Id,


            upsert optionObj;                                          

        catch(DmlException e)
           System.debug('An unexpected error has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());          


        return pollQuest;

1 Answer 1


You have to add all new options to the List and then insert the list:

List<Poll_Option__c> options = new List<Poll_Option__c>();

for(string opt: optionValList){
    Poll_Option__c option = new Poll_Option__c(
        LghtCompNS__Poll_Question__c = pollQuest.Id,

insert options;  
  • @Ejaz You are welcome! Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 9:55

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