EDIT for clarification of title:
CronTrigger is probably actually firing at some point in the testing process - what is wierd is that CronTrigger.TimesTriggered is NOT incrementing after Test.stopTest()
Any asynchronous calls made within the Test.startTest()
and Test.stopTest()
methods of a test class should execute upon hitting Test.stopTest()
So, presumably, if I schedule a class using System.schedule()
, the CronTrigger object representing that scheduled job should fire immediately upon Test.stopTest()
, regardless of CronTrigger.NextFireTime
's value.
Here is my schedulable class:
global class Schedulable_Nightly implements Schedulable {
//PREDEFINED_SCHEDULE = "Every day at midnight"
public static String PREDEFINED_SCHEDULE = '0 0 0 * * ?';
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {
Database.executeBatch(new ContractTimelineBatch());
And here is my test method, pretty much lifted from SF documentation:
private class TestContractTimelineBatch {
@isTest static void test_schedulable(){
// Schedule the test job
String jobId = System.schedule('testBasicScheduledApex',
new Schedulable_Nightly());
// Get the information from the CronTrigger API object
CronTrigger ct = [SELECT Id, CronExpression, CronJobDetailId, CronJobDetail.Name, TimesTriggered, PreviousFireTime, NextFireTime, State
FROM CronTrigger WHERE id = :jobId];
// Verify the job has not run
System.assertEquals(0, ct.TimesTriggered);
ct = [SELECT Id, CronJobDetailID, TimesTriggered, PreviousFireTime, NextFireTime, State
FROM CronTrigger WHERE id = :jobid];
system.debug('Cron - post: ' + ct);
// Verify that the job has now run
System.assertEquals(1, ct.TimesTriggered);
This final assertEquals fails because ct.TimesTriggered
stays at 0, both before and after Test.stopTest
What gives?