I have one custom object budget which has lookup to opportunity.I have added a list button on Budget related list.Onclick of that button I am trying to open a VF page that will edit all budget records.I have passed standard set controller.But I am not getting all the records in stanadard set controller.I have 36 records but just getting 20 records in set controller.Can somebody solve my issue orelse I will have to pass Opportunity Id to my query to fetch those Budget records.
VF page
<apex:page standardController="Budget__c" extensions = "CtrlEditAllBudget" docType="html-5.0" recordsetVar = "budgetRecords">
display records from wrapper
public with sharing class CtrlEditAllBudget {
public Integer Year{get;set;}
private ApexPages.StandardSetController stdSetController;
public List<Budget__c> lstBudget;
public List<BudgetWrapper> lstBudgetWrapper {get;set;}
public CtrlEditAllBudget(ApexPages.StandardSetController stdSetController){
this.stdSetController = stdSetController;
List<Budget__c> budidlist = (List<Budget__c>)stdSetController.getRecords();
for(Budget__c budinstance:budidlist){
system.debug('budget id = >'+budinstance.Id);
system.debug('stdSetController size=>'+stdSetController.getRecords().size());
Year = Date.Today().Year();
//lstBudget = [SELECT Id,Opportunity__c,Month__c,Year__c,Type__c,Amount__c FROM Budget__c WHERE Id IN:stdSetController.getRecords()];
lstBudget = [SELECT Id,Opportunity__c,Month__c,Year__c,Type__c,Amount__c FROM Budget__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN:stdSetController.getRecords()];
system.debug('lstBudget size =>'+lstBudget.size());
lstBudgetWrapper = new List<BudgetWrapper>();
for(Budget__c budgetInstance:lstBudget){
BudgetWrapper budgetWrap = new BudgetWrapper();
budgetWrap.Amount1 = budgetInstance.Amount__c;
budgetWrap.monthString = budgetInstance.Month__c;
BudgetWrapper budgetWrap = new BudgetWrapper();
//lstBudgetWrapper.add(new BudgetWrapper(Amount1 = budgetInstance.Amount__c,monthString = budgetInstance.Month__c));
budgetWrap.Amount2 = budgetInstance.Amount__c;
budgetWrap.monthString = budgetInstance.Month__c;
BudgetWrapper budgetWrap = new BudgetWrapper();
//lstBudgetWrapper.add(new BudgetWrapper(Amount1 = budgetInstance.Amount__c,monthString = budgetInstance.Month__c));
budgetWrap.Amount3 = budgetInstance.Amount__c;
budgetWrap.monthString = budgetInstance.Month__c;
system.debug('lstBudgetWrapper size=>'+lstBudgetWrapper.size());
system.debug('lstBudgetWrapper =>'+lstBudgetWrapper);
public class BudgetWrapper{
public String monthString {get;set;}
public BudgetWrapper() {
Amount1 = 0;
Amount2 = 0;
Amount3 = 0;
monthString = '';
public decimal Amount1{get;set;}
public decimal Amount2{get;set;}
public decimal Amount3{get;set;}