We are launching a Batch Apex process containing 430 batches (200 records each batch). We've ran it 4 times, all times it finished successfully without any error, but not all batches were processed.
In the "Apex Jobs" section you can see:
- 1° launch: Total Batches: 102 Batches Processed: 102 Failures: 0
- 2° launch: Total Batches: 105 Batches Processed: 105 Failures: 0
- 3° launch: Total Batches: 98 Batches Processed: 98 Failures: 0
- 4° launch: Total Batches: 102 Batches Processed: 102 Failures: 0
The batch process starts showing 430 batches but when it finish shows 105 or less.
Could someone tell us what is going on? Why is SFDC changing the initial batch's amount?
Thank you.
This is the apex code:
ReceiptsBatch Methods
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
this.processStatus = true;
this.process.Status__c = ProcessManagerUtils.STATUS_INPROGRESS;
update this.process;
String query = 'SELECT Id,CloseDate,Amount,Bank_Account_Entity__c,Bank_Account_Formula__c,Credit_Card_Type__c,Credit_Card_Number__c,Credit_Card_Expiration_Month__c,Credit_Card_Expiration_Year__c';
for (String field : ReceiptsBatchHelper.MAP_KEY_FIELDS){
query += ','+field;
query += ' FROM Opportunity WHERE StageName = \''+ReceiptsBatch.PENDING_STATUS+'\'';
query += ' AND Payment_Method__c in (\'' + ReceiptTriggerHelper.RECEIPT_PAYMENT_METHOD_AUTO_DEBIT
+'\',\'' + ReceiptTriggerHelper.RECEIPT_PAYMENT_METHOD_CREDIT_CARD + '\')';
query += ' AND CloseDate <= '+String.valueOf(this.process.Receipts_To_Date__c);
query += ' AND Receipt__c = NULL';
query += ' AND AccountId != NULL';
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){
ReceiptsBatchHelper.myProcessId = process.Id;
List<Opportunity> donations = (List<Opportunity>) scope;
this.receiptsByKeys = ReceiptsBatchHelper.prepareDonationsByGroups( donations,
this.receiptsByKeys );
catch (Exception e){
this.processStatus = false;
this.errorDescription = e.getMessage() + '. ' + Label.Line_Info + ' ' + e.getLineNumber();
ReceiptsBatchHelper Methods
public static void prepareRemittanceBanks(){
for (Bank_Configuration__c conf : [SELECT Bank_code__c, Merchant_Bank__c, Merchant_Bank__r.Concept__c FROM Bank_Configuration__c]){
remittanceBankByBankEntity.put(conf.Bank_code__c, new Remittance_Bank__c(Id = conf.Merchant_Bank__c, Concept__c = conf.Merchant_Bank__r.Concept__c));
public static void buildDonorAccountIdByOppIdMap( List<Opportunity> donations ){
Map<String, Opportunity> oppMap = new Map<String, Opportunity>();
for( Opportunity opp : donations ){
oppMap.put(opp.Id, opp);
for( OpportunityContactRole ocr : [ SELECT Id, OpportunityId, Contact.AccountId, Contact.Id
FROM OpportunityContactRole
WHERE OpportunityId IN :oppMap.keySet()
AND Role = 'Donor' AND IsPrimary = TRUE] ){
donorAccountIdByOppId.put(ocr.OpportunityId, ocr.Contact);
public static Map<String, Receipt__c> prepareDonationsByGroups( List<Opportunity> donations,
Map<String, Receipt__c> generatedReceiptsMap ){
for (Opportunity o : donations){
String key = createKey(o);
if (generatedReceiptsMap.containsKey(key)){
groupedOpportunites.put(key, new List<Opportunity>{o});
generatedReceiptsMap.get(key).Amount__c += o.Amount;
receiptsToUpsert.put(key, generatedReceiptsMap.get(key));
Receipt__c newReceipt = generateReceipt(o);
groupedOpportunites.put(key, new List<Opportunity>{o});
receiptsToUpsert.put(key, newReceipt);
generatedReceiptsMap.put(key, newReceipt);
return generatedReceiptsMap;
public static void upsertReceiptsAndUpdateOpps (Map<String, Receipt__c> receiptsByKeys ){
List<Opportunity> opportunitiesToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>();
upsert receiptsToUpsert.values();
for (String key : groupedOpportunites.keySet()){
for (Opportunity o : groupedOpportunites.get(key)){
o.Receipt__c = receiptsByKeys.get(key).Id;
//if there is an error updating the opportunities, we must delete created receipts
update opportunitiesToUpdate;
catch (Exception e){
delete receiptsToUpsert.values();
e.setMessage(Label.Error_linking_opportunities_to_receipts + ' ' + e.getMessage());
throw e;
to keep track of all errors so they can be emitted during thefinish()
method; (2) the fact that the change in batch size from 200 to 50 still yielded 20000 rows processed suggests there is some data error/limit error on the rows queried after 20000. To debug this, you may need to change the way the batchstart()
builds the SOQL by querying from a custom object field or anonymous apex parameter passed to the constructor so you can isolate where this is happening.