I am trying to POST Opportunity with OpportunityLineItem data to an endpoint. I can get the opportunity data just fine but I am having a lot of trouble with the OpportunityLineItems and I feel myself hitting the wall. The problem is that the the data is coming across garbled. I want the data to come across in JSON format like this:
"Id": "006o000000H62OHAAZ",
"Name": "Wed17Test2",
"Account": "abc12345",
"Pricebook": "Standard",
"OPTYQuantity": 6.00,
"OLI": [
"OpportunityId": "006o000000H62OHAAZ",
"ProdcutCode": "GC1060",
"OLIQuantity": "1.00",
"UnitPrice": "100000.00",
"TotalPrice": "100000.00"
}, {
"OpportunityId": "006o000000H62OHAAZ",
"ProdcutCode": "GC1020",
"OLIQuantity": "2.00",
"UnitPrice": "5000.00",
"TotalPrice": "10000.00"
}, {
"OpportunityId": "006o000000H62OHAAZ",
"ProdcutCode": "GC1040",
"OLIQuantity": "3.00",
"UnitPrice": "25000.00",
"TotalPrice": "75000.00"
Instead the data is coming across in JSON format like this:
[ {"OpportunityId" : "006o000000H6C72AAF",
"ProductCode" : "GC1060",
"OLIQuantity" : 1.00,
"UnitPrice" : 100000.00,
"TotalPrice" : 100000.00,
"Id" : "006o000000H6C72AAF",
"Name" : "monday22d",
"Account" : "flarnco",
"Pricebook" : "Standard",
"OPTYQuantity" : 3.00} ]
this is causing the data to come across all jumbled up when I POST like this:
You can see that it's all mashed up and a mess.
I can get by with the data for the Opportunity just being sent in an array but I'd really like to have it come through in the nested JSON format.
I'd really appreciate any help getting over this hurdle.
Here's my Code:
public static void postOpty(List<String> optyIds){
List<OpportunityLineItem> lineItems = [SELECT Id , OpportunityId, ProductCode, Quantity, UnitPrice, TotalPrice FROM OpportunityLineItem
WHERE OpportunityId IN :optyIds];
List<Opportunity> op = [Select Id, Name , Account.Name, OptyPriceBook__c , TotalOpportunityQuantity From Opportunity Where Id IN :optyIds];
JSONGenerator gen = JSON.createGenerator(true);
for(Opportunity o : op){
gen.writeStringField('Id', o.Id);
gen.writeStringField('Name', o.Name);
gen.writeStringField('Account', o.Account.Name);
gen.writeStringField('Pricebook', o.OptyPriceBook__c);
gen.writeNumberField('OPTYQuantity', o.TotalOpportunityQuantity);
for(OpportunityLineItem oli : lineItems){
gen.writeStringField('OpportunityId', oli.OpportunityId);
gen.writeStringField('ProductCode', oli.ProductCode);
gen.writeNumberField('OLIQuantity', oli.Quantity);
gen.writeNumberField('UnitPrice', oli.UnitPrice);
gen.writeNumberField('TotalPrice', oli.TotalPrice);
String jsonOptys = gen.getAsString();
System.debug('jsonOptys: ' + jsonOptys);
//create http request object
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
system.debug('API Service returned '+ res.getBody());
if (res.getStatusCode() != 200) {
System.debug('Error from ' + req.getEndpoint() + ' : ' +
res.getStatusCode() + ' ' + res.getStatus());
Many Thanks!