I have a case entry wizard, duped and revised from the Visualforce in Practice workbook. My second page asks the users if they want to add Case Team Members. If they put a user in the name box, they can add a user, and this works fine. But I can't seem to get them to be able to bypass this if they don't want to add anyone. It sees the name as required. I tried to skip the insert Case Team Member section of the code on my "Complete Entry" button but it doesn't seem to matter. How can I get it to navigate to the new Case without entering info. Please assist! thanks.


public class CasewithCaseTeamExtension {

private ApexPages.StandardController sc;

public CaseTeamMember CTM {get; set;}
public List<CaseTeamMember> CTMS {get; set;}

public String selectedCaseTeamMember {get; set;}   

public string Username {
        get {
            return [
                    select Name
                    from User
                    where Id = :Userinfo.getUserId()


public CasewithCaseTeamExtension (ApexPages.StandardController StandardController) {

    //Store a reference to the standard controller
    sc = standardController;

    //create a new sprint instance to collect user input
    CTM = new CaseTeamMember();

    //create a new list to store the sprints added by the user
    CTMS = new List<CaseTeamMember>();


public PageReference ToPage2() {


        //Save code will go here

    return Page.CaseCreateCTM2;

public PageReference SaveCTM() {

    Case Case1 = (Case)sc.GetRecord();
    CaseTeamRole CTRole = [select id from CaseTeamRole where name =:'Support'];
    CTM.ParentId = Case1.Id;
    CTM.TeamRoleId = CTRole.Id;
    insert CTM;

    CTM = new CaseTeamMember();

    return null;


public PageReference SaveAndFinish() {

    Case Case1 = (Case)sc.GetRecord();
    CaseTeamRole CTRole = [select id from CaseTeamRole where name =:'KCG'];
    CTM.ParentId = Case1.Id;
    CTM.TeamRoleId = CTRole.Id;

    CTM = new CaseTeamMember();

    PageReference redirecturl = new PageReference('/'+Case1.id);
    return redirecturl;

public PageReference FinishEntry() {
    Case Case1 = (Case)sc.GetRecord();

    PageReference redirecturl = new PageReference('/'+Case1.id);
    return redirecturl;




<apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="CasewithCaseTeamExtension" >

    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock title="Add Interested Parties to the Case Team Members List Here">
            Case Team Members will be included in email notifications about the Case.   
            <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
                     <apex:commandButton action="{!SaveCTM}" value="Add Person to Case" />
                   <apex:commandButton action="{!FinishEntry}" value="Complete Case Entry" />

            <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
              <apex:inputField value="{!ctm.MemberId}" label="Name" />


             <apex:pageBlock title="Added">
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!CTMS}" var="s">
                    <apex:column value="{!s.MemberId}"/>



I want it to go to the new Case page when the User clicks the Complete Case Entry button, which calls FinishEntry, shown again right below, but I get the "You must enter a value" error. Thanks!

public PageReference FinishEntry() {
    Case Case1 = (Case)sc.GetRecord();

    PageReference redirecturl = new PageReference('/'+Case1.id);
    return redirecturl;


enter image description here

  • 1
    can you try setting immediate = true on the complete case entry command button, I believe it skips all the validations. Not too sure abt the required field criteria, give it a try!!! Refer ; developer.salesforce.com/blogs/developer-relations/2008/12/…
    – Rao
    Commented Feb 18, 2016 at 21:39
  • This worked, thanks. You want to make it an answer?
    – jaw999
    Commented Feb 19, 2016 at 1:08

1 Answer 1


Can you try setting immediate = true on the complete case entry command button, I believe it skips all the validations.


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