I want to use some images in VF Page from the static resource but i want the images to be added dynamically based on the images list in the zip file of static resource.
For that, i have used this code in my apex class
public List<String> imageList{get;set;}
public DemoWorkClass(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
string imaURL;
for(integer i = 1; i <= (imageslist); i++){
imaURL = 'images/'+i+'.TIF';
and called this list of string to the VF Page
<apex:page standardController="account" extensions="DemoWorkClass" renderAs="PDF">
<apex:variable var="imgVar" value="{!imageList}"/>
<apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Resource.ImagesDemo,imgVar)}"/>
Note: I have to get the images from the Static Resource Only
Please give me the suggestions,
--> In getting the number of images in the zip file of static resource
--> Storing the images in the list and to be present them in the VF Page
Thanks in advance...