The approach to test custom metadata has been explained in the below blog
The approach highlights
1)Create a custom field TestCase__c on the custom metadata
2)Create a class with static string as below
public class TestContext {
public static String testCase {public get; public set;}
3)When you query for your custom metadata in your application’s code, include TestCase__c in the WHERE clause of the query:
OurCustomMetadata__mdt[] rows = [SELECT QualifiedApiName, Field1__c
FROM OurCustomMetadata__mdt
WHERE TestCase__c = :TestContext.testCase];
4)In general, TestContext.testCase will be null, so this query will return real results. In tests, however, you can set the static variable to the test case you want, and retrieve exactly the correct records.
public static testmethod void testWelcomePageWorksWithTestCase1() {
TestContext.testCase = 'TestCase1';
/* test the Welcome page */