I'm hoping I am missing something obvious.
I have a Lead Trigger & Handler class. The Handler forces Assignment Rules to fire if a Lead Checkbox field IS CHANGED to True. After Update. It is working for users.
The problem is my Handler test class coverage stops right at the line where I am checking whether the field "Attention Required" has been changed to true:
public class LeadTriggerHandler extends TriggerHandlerFactory{
private Map<Id, Lead> newLeadMap;
private Map<Id, Lead> oldLeadMap;
public LeadTriggerHandler() {
this.newLeadMap = (Map<Id, Lead>) Trigger.newMap;
this.oldLeadMap = (Map<Id, Lead>) Trigger.oldMap;
public override void afterUpdate() {
}catch(Exception e){
* If a Lead is set to "Attention Required"
* and is owned by one of the following Queues: Recycle, Nurture, Junk
* then trigger Assignment Rules to reassign Lead
private void attentionRequiredLeadAssignment() {
List<Lead> leads = new List<Lead>();
List<String> queueNameList = new List<String>();
Set<String> queueNameSet = new Set<String>();
for(Lead l : [SELECT Id,attention_required__c,Owner.Name FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :newLeadMap.keyset()]){
//if attention required is changed to TRUE
if(newLeadMap.get(l.id).attention_required__c != oldLeadMap.get(l.id).attention_required__c && newLeadMap.get(l.id).attention_required__c == true){
//getting Queue names from custom setting
LeadTriggerHandlerSetting__c setting = LeadTriggerHandlerSetting__c.getValues('AttentionRequired');
queueNameList = setting.queue_names__c.split(',');
//and lead owner is recycle, nurture, or junk leads
if(!leads.isEmpty()) {
Database.DMLOptions dmo = new Database.DMLOptions();
//force assignment rules to fire
dmo.assignmentRuleHeader.useDefaultRule = true;
Database.SaveResult[] lsr = Database.update(leads, dmo);
Integer i=0;
for(Database.SaveResult sr : lsr) {
leads[i].addError('Lead Assignment Error' + sr.getErrors()[0].getMessage());
It seems obvious enough that in the Test Class I need to insert a Lead with "Attention Required" set to false, and then update it to true. However this is not getting me coverage past the line:
if(newLeadMap.get(l.id).attention_required__c != oldLeadMap.get(l.id).attention_required__c && newLeadMap.get(l.id).attention_required__c == true){
This is the Test Class:
private class LeadTriggerHandlerTest
static void testLeadAssignment() {
Group testGroup = new Group(Name='Junk Leads', Type='Queue');
insert testGroup;
System.runAs(new User(Id=UserInfo.getUserId()))
QueuesObject testQueue = new QueueSObject(QueueID = testGroup.id, SObjectType = 'Lead');
insert testQueue;
LeadTriggerHandlerSetting__c setting = new LeadTriggerHandlerSetting__c();
setting.Name = 'AttentionRequired';
setting.Queue_Names__c = 'Junk Leads,Nurture Pool';
insert setting;
DataFactory factory = new DataFactory();
Lead l = factory.createLead();
l.OwnerId = testGroup.id;
l.Attention_Required__c = false;
upsert l;
l.Attention_Required__c = true;
update l;
Any ideas?