I have a custom object called Lease_Reminder. The object has a couple of fields on it, including Status_Alert and Effective_Date. As today gets closer to the Effective_Date, the Status_Alert needs to change to a more urgent status (where 0 is least urgent and 5 is most urgent).
I'm using this as roll-up field for a parent object, so I can't just use a formula.
Urgency occurs in three-month increments, so if, for example, the Lease_Effective date is 12/1/2015 and today is 6/1/2015, the Status_Alert would change to, say 3; but it doesn't need to change to 4 until 9/1/2015.
I need to run the scheduler class on a daily basis.
My question is: Should I add another field called Next_Status_Update so that when I run the query for the scheduler class I only select Lease_Reminders where Next_Status_Update = today? Or is it equally efficient to just run the scheduler class on all of the Lease_Reminder records and update the Status_Alert as needed based using conditional logic based upon today's date.
I hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give me.