i'm trying to build query Dynamically for Contract object.

    public Contract con {get;set;}
    Map<String,Schema.SObjectType> fMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
    fieldMap = fMap.get('Contract').getDescribe().fields.getMap();
         if (fieldMap.size() > 0){
             for(Schema.SObjectField sfield : fieldMap.Values()){

                if(Str == null)
                    Str = sfield.getDescribe().getname();
                Str += ','+sfield.getDescribe().getname();

    string query = 'Select  '+ Str +' from Contract  where id =: ConId';
    con =  database.query(query); 
  • Where are you using "Contract.account" field
    – San
    Commented Aug 26, 2015 at 10:21

3 Answers 3


Schema.getGlobalDescribe() dose not return Contract.account field so it is not available in query string but some where you are trying to get the field "Contract.Account" which is throwing error.

to overcome this error you can add this field and query object.


There is no field named Account on contract object. However AccountId exists.

It seems like you are referencing parent record in that case you should add following field in query:

String query = 'Select  Account.Whatever_The_Custom_Field__c, '+ Str +' from Contract  where id =: ConId';

Parent or Child record cannot come in global describe object variable. It only result current described object fields.


You can get the kind of relationship query you required using inner describes.

Each Schema.SObjectField is having a method called getReferenceTo() which return List<Schema.SObjectType> if the Schema.SObjectField is a reference field. So using this we can determine whether the field is a relationship field or not and if it is, we can do inner describe to get the fields of the relationship object.

I just added single level of inner describe to the code snippet of yours.

public Contract con {get;set;}
Map<String,Schema.SObjectType> fMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
fieldMap = fMap.get('Contract').getDescribe().fields.getMap();
if (fieldMap.size() > 0){
    for(Schema.SObjectField sfield : fieldMap.Values()){                
        if(Str == null)
            Str = sfield.getDescribe().getname();
            Str += ','+sfield.getDescribe().getname();
        if(sfield.getDescribe().getReferenceTo() != NULL && sfield.getDescribe().getReferenceTo().size() == 1) {
            fieldMap1 = sfield.getDescribe().getReferenceTo()[0].getDescribe().fields.getMap();
            if (fieldMap1.size() > 0){
                 for(Schema.SObjectField sfield1 : fieldMap1.Values()){                
                    if(Str == null)
                        Str = sfield.getDescribe().getRelationshipName() + '.' + sfield.getDescribe().getname();
                        Str += ','+Str = sfield.getDescribe().getRelationshipName() + '.' + sfield.getDescribe().getname();;
string query = 'Select  '+ Str +' from Contract  where id =: ConId';
con =  database.query(query);

This will query all of the fields of the relationship fields in Contract object. You could just check for the Account object and execute the inner describe only for that object.

Hope it helps.

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