i want to convert
2015-07-27 00:00:00
format in salesforce(Apex).
i have search the net do not get any proper way.pls help.
You could try extracting the date part in a String variable and then create a new instance of Date with your format.
String ExtractedDate = '2015-07-27';
list<String> lstSplitDate = ExtractedDate.split('-');
Date myDate = date.newinstance(Integer.valueOf(lstSplitDate[0]), Integer.valueOf(lstSplitDate[1]), Integer.valueOf(lstSplitDate[2]));
Home this will help you ;)
This sounds like SQL date format from ISO 9075:
Apex Datetime.valueOfGmt(string) can inhale it:
Datetime midnight = Datetime.valueOfGmt('2015-07-27 00:00:00');
Then you can use Datetime.formatGmt(format) to output it:
midnight.formatGmt('MM/dd/yy'); //gives you "07/27/15"
Be careful with the GMT input and output to avoid moving off the exact date boundary. Manual formatting should be used sparingly; instead the running user's locale setting should be respected.
You can use DateTime.format method - https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_methods_system_datetime.htm#apex_System_Datetime_format_2