I'm working through the developer guide for Lightning and am attempting to try a few things out to better understand the Customizing Component Rendering section on page 138 of the guide: https://resources.docs.salesforce.com/sfdc/pdf/lightning.pdf
What I'm gleaning from this section (and in particular, the example on page 139) is that I should be able to do some DOM manipulation by using a helper method in my render function. But when I log my renderer's arguments, there's nothing there - so no access to helpers. Code below.
Essentially, I'd like to write some HTML to my component via my render function (by way of a helper), at component rendering time. Based on what I've read about the component lifecycle it seems that this would be the most appropriate way to handle this.
Does anyone have experience with custom rendering and manipulating DOM from a custom renderer?
afterRender: function (cmp, helper) {
var afterRend = this.superAfterRender();
console.log('after render args', arguments);
return afterRend;
render: function (cmp, helper) {
var rend = this.superRender();
console.log('render args', arguments);
return rend;
Thanks in advance.