I'm trying to upload the following wsdl to generate apex classes.But i'm getting a schema error Do I need to make any changes on the xsd?

Error: Failed to parse wsdl: Found schema import from location https://webservices.sandbox.netsuite.com/xsd/platform/v2015_1_0/core.xsd. External schema import not supported


2 Answers 2


The Salesforce tooling only supports a sub-set of the possible constructs available in WSDL/XSD. See SOAP Services: Defining a Class from a WSDL Document for the details.

One thing not supported is the external schema import your WSDL contains. That can potentially by manually fixed by you editing the files: grab the source of the imports and add themin-line. The example in the documentation of such a fix is to convert this:

    <xsd:include schemaLocation="AmazonS3.xsd"/>

to this:


    <xsd:element name="CreateBucket">

Unfortunately your WSDL contains a lot of imports.

There is also a pretty hight chance that you will run into other unsupported features.

  • <xsd:import namespace="urn:core_2015_1.platform.webservices.netsuite.com" schemaLocation="webservices.sandbox.netsuite.com/xsd/platform/v2015_1_0/…> Can you pls help me on the conversion of this import I'm confused on how to handle the name space and schem alocation. Commented Jun 15, 2015 at 15:43
  • @HarishGudipudi I can't access that... Roughly speaking you need to setup the namespace prefixes used in the XSD on the xsd:schema element.
    – Keith C
    Commented Jun 15, 2015 at 16:31

Unfortunately Salesforce only supports very basic WSDL features and the WSDL 2 Apex tool isn't very helpful for most WSDLs.

I've had some decent success using FuseIt SFDC Explorer's WSDL Parser & Apex Generate Features. You may be interested in looking into it and seeing if it better meets your needs.

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