I have Wraper class list which holds list of Records form 2 objects. This list Iam using in Page block table to show the data from both objects. Now I have to work on Pagination. For Pagination we have to use Apex StandardSetController in order to use its predefine methods. Problem: But While instantinating StandardSetController we need to pass SObject List. Butt in my case its Wrapper class list. Can any one suggest on this problem witn pagination?
1 Answer
You could create your own paginatation, this blog here walks you through writing your own pagination class:
/**This Paginate Class is the class that keeps track of all the pagination information */
public class Paginate {
public Integer index {get;set;}
public Integer pageNum {get;set;}
public Integer totalPage {get;set;}
public Integer totalResults {get;set;}
public List<Pager> pageList {get;set;}
public Boolean showPrevious {get;set;}
public Boolean showNext {get;set;}
public Boolean isAll {get;set;}
public Paginate(Integer listSize, Integer pageSize){
this.totalResults = listSize;
pageSize = (pageSize > 0)?pageSize:10;
this.totalPage = (Integer)Math.ceil((Double)listSize / (Double)pageSize);
this.pageNum = 1;
this.index = 0;
this.isAll = (listSize == pageSize)?true:false;
public void updateNumbers(){
this.pageList = new List<Pager>();
for(Integer i = 1; i < (this.totalPage + 1); i++){
Boolean b = (i == pageNum)?true:false;
this.pageList.add(new Pager(i, b));
this.showPrevious = (this.pageNum == 1)?false:true;
this.showNext = (this.pageNum == this.totalPage)?false:true;
this.index = this.pageNum - 1;
public void decrement(){
this.pageNum = this.pageNum - 1;
public void increment(){
public class Pager{
public Integer pageNum {get;set;}
public Boolean isActive {get;set;}
public Pager(Integer num, Boolean active){
this.pageNum = num;
this.isActive = active;
controller example:
/**This is a sample controller with sample data of how to use the
Paginate class*/
public with sharing class PaginationDemoController {
public Paginate paginater {get;set;}
public List<CustomClass> genericList{get;set;}
public List<List<CustomClass>> fullGenericList{get;set;}
public PaginationDemoController(){
//Get the data we need to paginate
List<CustomClass> resultsList = populateData();
//Set the page size
Integer pageSize = 10;
//Create a new instance of Paginate passing in the overall size of
//the list of data and the page size you want
this.paginater = new Paginate(resultsList.size(), pageSize);
//These lists hold the data
this.fullGenericList = new List<List<CustomClass>>();
this.genericList = new List<CustomClass>();
//Break out the full list into a list of lists
if(resultsList.size() > 0){
List<CustomClass> tempCC = new List<CustomClass>();
Integer i = 0;
for(CustomClass cc : resultsList){
if(i == pageSize){
tempCC = new List<CustomClass>();
i = 0;
//Gets the correct list of data to show on the page
this.genericList = this.fullGenericList.get(this.paginater.index);
public PageReference previousPage(){
return changeData();
public PageReference nextPage(){
return changeData();
public PageReference updatePage(){
return changeData();
public PageReference changeData(){
this.genericList = this.fullGenericList.get(this.paginater.index);
return null;
public List<CustomClass> populateData(){
List<CustomClass> customClassList = new List<CustomClass>();
for(Integer i = 1; i < 50; i++){
customClassList.add(new CustomClass(i, 'Name: ' + String.valueOf(i)));
return customClassList;
public class CustomClass{
public Integer num{get;set;}
public String name{get;set;}
public CustomClass(Integer num, String name){
this.num = num;
this.name = name;
page example:
<apex:page controller="PaginationDemoController">
<apex:form >
<apex:outputPanel id="mainPanel">
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!AND(IF(paginater.isAll, false, true), IF(paginater.totalPage == 1, false, true))}">
<apex:outputText rendered="{!paginater.showPrevious}">
<apex:commandLink action="{!previousPage}" value="Prev" rerender="mainPanel" />
<apex:repeat value="{!paginater.pageList}" var="pl">
<apex:outputText rendered="{!!pl.isActive}">
<apex:commandLink action="{!updatePage}" rerender="mainPanel">
<apex:param name="selectedPage" value="{!pl.pageNum}" assignTo="{!paginater.pageNum}" />
<apex:outputText rendered="{!pl.isActive}" value="{!pl.pageNum}" />
<apex:outputText rendered="{!paginater.showNext}">
<apex:commandLink action="{!nextPage}" value="Next" rerender="mainPanel" />
<apex:outputPanel id="dataPanel">
<apex:repeat value="{!genericList}" var="gl">
{!gl.num} <strong>{!gl.name}</strong><br/>
in the SOQL query? salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/soql_sosl/Content/…