I have a client (call them Acme Foundation) who is using the customer portal. They would like to set up a friendly URL -- portal.acme.org -- for the portal login. I have some questions below:

  • I presume they would need to go to their DNS registrar and set up subdomain for portal.acme.org?

  • What should this subdomain point to in Salesforce? Their Salesforce My Domain is acme.my.salesforce.com. Do I need to set up a Domain named "portal.acme.org" and use a Custom URL to tie it a Site? Does the DNS subdomain point to the salesforce Domain or to the Salesforce Site URL?

1 Answer 1


You would URL forward the portal.acme.org to the URL for the Customer Portal sites Login URL that you set up.

Information on setting up the Login URL is found here:


  • Sorry, not sure what you're referring to by "URL forward" - do you mean at the DNS level or in Salesforce Setup > Domain Management > Custom URLs? Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 14:56
  • @DavidCheng - DNS Level
    – Eric
    Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 15:14

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