Unfortunately there isn't currently a way to assign an action to a button. sforce.one.createRecord() uses the standard page layout for the profile/record type, not an action layout.
You could fake it out by creating a Visualforce page that dynamically generates the form based on the action layout, something like this (this is a lead because it's code I had on hand, you can do something similar for your New Event action):
public class QuickCreateController{
public final ApexPages.StandardController stdController;
public Lead newLead = new Lead();
public Map<string, boolean> requiredMap {get;set;}
public QuickCreateController() {}
public QuickCreateController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController)
this.stdController = stdController;
this.newLead = (Lead) stdController.getRecord();
// Workaround for DescribeLayoutItem.required attribute apparently not
// accessible in VF page (bug?): storing the required flags in a map.
requiredMap = new Map<string, boolean>();
// Get the list of fields in the NewLead global action.
public List<QuickAction.DescribeLayoutItem> getActionFieldList()
List<QuickAction.DescribeLayoutItem> fieldList = new List<QuickAction.DescribeLayoutItem>();
QuickAction.DescribeQuickActionResult[] results = QuickAction.describeQuickActions(new String[]{ QuickAction.NewLead });
for (QuickAction.DescribeQuickActionResult res : results)
for (QuickAction.DescribeLayoutRow row : res.getLayout().getLayoutRows())
for (QuickAction.DescribeLayoutItem col : row.getLayoutItems())
// Ignore placeholders.
if (!col.placeholder)
// Hack to get DescribeLayoutItem.required flag in the VF page:
// store it in a map, request it from the page.
requiredMap.put(col.label, col.required);
return fieldList;
public PageReference submitQuickAction()
PageReference p = new PageReference('/apex/QuickCreate');
QuickAction.QuickActionRequest req = new QuickAction.QuickActionRequest();
req.quickActionName = QuickAction.NewLead;
req.record = newLead;
QuickAction.QuickActionResult res = QuickAction.performQuickAction(req);
p = new PageReference('/apex/Page_To_Go_To_After_Completion);
catch (Exception ex)
ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, ex.getMessage());
return p;
Then your Visualforce page looks something like this:
<apex:page standardController="Lead" extensions="QuickCreateController">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:repeat value="{!actionFieldList}" var="layoutItem">
<apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="{!requiredMap[layoutItem.label]}"><span style="font-weight: bold; color: red">*</span> </apex:outputPanel>
<apex:outputLabel value="{!layoutItem.label}"></apex:outputLabel><br />
<apex:repeat value="{!layoutItem.layoutComponents}" var="layoutComponent">
<apex:inputField value="{!Lead[layoutComponent.value]}" required="{!requiredMap[layoutItem.label]}"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!submitQuickAction}" value="Save" />
It's a hack and I don't recommend it as a solution, but I thought it was interesting to know it could be done. :-)