I am currently working on a custom plugin for an Auth Provider in Apex and have encountered the error message "Apex classes should safely redirect to a known location (rule: Security-ApexOpenRedirect)" within the initiate method. I have added the isValidURL function to validate the URL, but the PMD error persists.
Here is my method:
public PageReference initiate (Map<String, String> authProviderConfig, String state) {
String callbackUrl = authProviderConfig.get('callback_url__c') + '?state=' + state;
if (isValidURL(callbackUrl)) {
return new PageReference(callbackUrl);
And the function:
public Boolean isValidURL (String strURLToValidate) {
return strURLToValidate.startsWith(System.URL.getSalesforceBaseURL());
I hope you find this helpful for understanding my issue. Any assistance in resolving the "ApexOpenRedirect" rule violation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!