I'am trying to get(request) Accounts with some informations from child called Services__c. When im performing query in inspector it works fine
SELECT Legal_Name__c, Name, BillingCountry, (SELECT Service__c, Sub_Service__c FROM Services__r WHERE Service__c = 'Connectivity' AND (Sub_Service__c = 'GSM Signaling' OR Sub_Service__c = 'GSM Signaling Peering')) FROM Account
But when im adding this query to url and sending get request in postman im receiving
"\nService__c, Sub_Service__c FROM Services__r WHERE Service__c = 'Connectivity'\n ^\nERROR at Row:1:Column:85\nDidn't understand relationship 'Services__r' in FROM part of query call. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.",