I am able to use <lightning-input-address> to create a way to use address lookup functionality to prepopulate address fields. However, we want to hide the address fields and just show the address lookup.


  1. Hide fields in the red box within the image

red box with fields to hide


  1. How can I hide the address fields and only show the address lookup portion of the <lightning-input-address>?

What I tried but didn't work:

        field-level-help="Help Text for inputAddress field" ></lightning-input-address>
  • 1
    It doesn't look like this is a feature for that component. If your goal is to just prevent editing the values after it filled in then you can use the read-only attribute Commented Aug 23, 2023 at 16:42

1 Answer 1


You can always hide fields with css. Here's how I just hid the country field:


it worked like a charm!

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