I need to create a formula field to register an invitation URL (to be sent via email) to a contact, where the URL is a (publicly accessed) Salesforce Site.

Here is the thing. The site URL is [org].my.salesforce-sites.com/[path] and I understand that this URL changes from Sandbox to Production.

Also, the URL will end with a parameter (?id=[some_id]) based on the invitation record.

How can I "build" the full URL so that I can use that field in an email template?

(I found some formulae, but those aren't able to provide the "salesforce-sites" part of the URL I need...)


1 Answer 1


So, I solved this with a VF email plus custom component with component controller

Here's the component controller class

 * Component controller for various VF Components that need dynamic buttons
 * Use cases to date
 *  1 - Dynamic button in a VF email to a Help_Center Experience Cloud page

public inherited sharing class ButtonComponentCtrl {

    public String siteDeveloperName {get; set;}

     * experienceCloudBaseUrl
     * reference: https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/a/247372/2602
     * @return baseURL of an experience cloud site which is independent of org (PROD, QA, dev, etc)
    public String experienceCloudBaseUrl {
        get {
            if (experienceCloudBaseUrl == null) {
                Site[] sites = [SELECT Id FROM Site WHERE Name = :siteDeveloperName];
                if (!sites.isEmpty()) {
                    SiteDetail siteDetail = [SELECT SecureURL FROM SiteDetail WHERE DurableId = :sites[0].Id];
                    experienceCloudBaseUrl = siteDetail.SecureUrl+
                        (siteDetail.SecureUrl.endsWith('/')     // PROD behaves differently than test
                            ? 's'
                            : '/s')    ;
            return experienceCloudBaseUrl;
        private set;

and the VF component (to display a clickable button)

 - Designed to support button images with dynamic links to experience cloud sites
    Reference: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=000384022&type=1

<apex:component id="ExperienceCloudButton" controller="ButtonComponentCtrl" access="global">
    <apex:attribute name="buttonContentAssetDevName" type="String" description="Content Asset developer name for the button image"/>
    <apex:attribute name="buttonWidth" type="String" description="CSS width for button"/>
    <apex:attribute name="experienceSiteApiName" type="String" assignTo="{!siteDeveloperName}" description="Site Api name used to get baseUrl independent of org"/>
    <apex:attribute name="orgBaseUrl" type="String" description="Org's BaseUrl"/>
    <apex:attribute name="pathToExperiencePage" type="String" description="Path (relative) to page including any params"/>

    <apex:outputLink value="{!experienceCloudBaseUrl}{!pathToExperiencePage}">
        <apex:image id="clickableButton"
                    value="{!orgBaseUrl}/file-asset-public/{!buttonContentAssetDevName}?oid={!$Organization.Id}"  alt="clickableButton"/>

and usage in the VF email template

<c:ExperienceCloudButton buttonContentAssetDevName="ClickHereButton"

and a convenience field on the relatedTo Object

Base_Url__c (Text)

Data Type   Formula      
LEFT($Api.Enterprise_Server_URL_570, FIND('/services',$Api.Enterprise_Server_URL_570))
  • It's funny I've been trying to do this via a flow, but I can't. The first query (getting the Site Id) works fine, but the second one (getting the SecureUrl from SiteDetail) doesn't, even if I write the Site Id directly into the query (I mean, the "get records" box)... I will have to move to development mode... Commented Apr 12, 2023 at 17:29

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