I'm in a scratch org and created SalesRepAPI.apxc as follows:

global with sharing class SalesRepAPI {
    global static Id getSalesRep() {
        RestRequest request = RestContext.request;
        // grab the caseId from the end of the URL
        //String caseId = request.requestURI.substring(request.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
        Id returnMe = [SELECT Id FROM User LIMIT 1][0].Id;
        return returnMe;

And then I also created SalesRepAPI_TEST.apxc as follows (among other things jumping straight to unit-testing because for some reason I can't figure out how to get Workbench to work against a scratch org and I'm too lazy to go around grabbing my session ID, firing up Postman, etc.), which has 2 failing tests that I was hoping would pass:

private class SalesRepAPI_TEST {
    @isTest static void testGet() {
        // Set up a test request
        RestRequest req = new RestRequest();
        RestResponse res = new RestResponse();  
        req.requestUri = '/services/apexrest/get_sales_rep/';// + recordId;
        req.httpMethod = 'GET';
        RestContext.request = req;
        RestContext.response= res;
        // Call the method to test
        Id salesRepId = SalesRepAPI.getSalesRep();
        // Verify results
        Assert.isNotNull(salesRepId, 'Class ID');
        Assert.areEqual(200, res?.statusCode); // ERROR:  "Assertion Failed: Expected: 200, Actual: null"
        Assert.isNotNull(res?.responseBody?.toString(), 'Response ID'); // ERROR:  "Assertion Failed: Instance expected to be a non null value: Response ID"

What am I missing about getting something to actually populate into res.statusCode?


I decided this would have to do for feeling confident I didn't botch getting SalesRepAPI.getSalesRep() to take parameters, since at the moment, all branches of Sales_Rep_Suggester (including null parameters) lead to the same User:

global with sharing class SalesRepAPI {
    @TestVisible private static String unitTestHelperCountry;
    global static Id getSalesRep() {
        RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
        String paramCountry = req.params.get('country');
        unitTestHelperCountry = paramCountry;
        String paramFirstTimeCustomer = req.params.get('firstTimeCustomer');
        Boolean paramBoolFirstTimeCustomer = ( String.isBlank(paramFirstTimeCustomer) ? FALSE : Boolean.valueOf(paramFirstTimeCustomer) );
        Flow.Interview flw = new Flow.Interview.Sales_Rep_Suggester(
            new Map<String, Object>{
                'Country_of_Residence' => paramCountry
                    , 'First_Time_Customer' => paramBoolFirstTimeCustomer
        User u = (User) flw.getVariableValue('Sales_Rep_User');
        return u.Id;
private class SalesRepAPI_TEST {
    @isTest static void testGet() {
        // Set up a test request
        RestRequest req = new RestRequest();
        req.requestUri = '/services/apexrest/get_sales_rep/';
        req.addParameter('country', 'Japan');
        req.addParameter('firstTimeCustomer', String.valueOf(FALSE));
        req.httpMethod = 'GET';
        RestContext.request = req;
        // Call the method to test
        Id salesRepId = SalesRepAPI.getSalesRep();
        // Verify results
        Assert.isNotNull(salesRepId, 'Class ID');
        // Note:  Apex unit tests can't validate the contents of RestResponse-typed objects, so don't bother checking for statusCode 200, a body that matches "salesRepID," etc.
        // This hack is about the closest we can get to using a unit test to make sure that the SalesRepAPI is truly accepting HTTP parameters.
        Assert.areEqual('Japan', SalesRepAPI.unitTestHelperCountry);

1 Answer 1


Outside of an actual Apex REST call, the RestRequest and RestResponse objects don't automatically update their values. You should not assert the final two conditions, because those values are not live inside of a unit test.

  • OK, getting over my laziness w/ Postman it is, then!
    – k..
    Commented Oct 24, 2022 at 17:40

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