import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
import Salesforce_Images from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/trailhead_logo';
export default class ImageDisplay extends LightningElement {
  salesforceImageUrl = Salesforce_Images;



    <lightning-card title="Use Static Resource in Lightning Web Component">
        <div class="slds-p-horizontal_small">

            <img src={salesforceImageUrl}>

I have stored image in static resource with name trailhead logo. but image is not appearing.

I have stored image in a zip file, then uploaded to static resource but not succeded.

2 Answers 2


if your image is in a zip file you should do it like this:

salesforceImageUrl = Salesforce_Images + '/images/yourImageName.png';

for the code you have, try creating a static resource like this Static Resource-> New-> name it 'trailhead_logo' -> Choose file -> Upload the image (not zip file) -> make cache public -> Save

in case if you want to use a zip file as static resource, please share the zip file path for further clarification, as the reference path may vary

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